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Number of files 7
Last updated Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Total downloads 18,244
Most popular file  GPA Finder v1.5.5 with 3,622 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-82 BASIC Files
ezgrader.zip1k04-07-14File is not ratedEZ Grader
EZ Grader gives teachers the grades of a paper.
notepad82g.zip2k03-05-04File is not ratedNotepad 82
This program lets you save text notes, which was never possible with the TI-82. It may have bugs, although none were noted by me. Please note that the filename feature is not being used yet. Future releases will have filenames included, and its own file system (hopefully). -instructions included in the zip file on how it works.
grades.zip1k01-01-22File is not ratedGrade
A program that calculates a total grade from individual test and homework grades and their weights.
grade.zip1k98-05-10File is not ratedGrade Keeper
gpa.zip1k98-05-10File is not ratedGPA Finder v1.5.5
grades60.zip2k97-12-30File is not ratedGradeMan-82 v6.0 (grades manager)
A Compact Program to help you manage your grades
gpacalc.zip1k97-05-28File is not ratedGPA Calculator
Calculates your grade point average from your letter grades.

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