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Last updated Sunday, 16 May 2004
Total downloads 2,795
Most popular file  AGM LCD v1.3 - draw lines extremely fast! with 960 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-82 Assembly Graphics Programs
agm10.zip3k04-05-16File is not ratedAGM v1.0 - draw lines to GRAPH_MEM
This is a demo of a routine that can draw lines to the GRAPH_MEM at about 7900 pixels / second. It is more or less identical to "AGM LCD", which writes to the LCD instead.
agmlcd11.zip3k04-05-13File is not ratedAGM LCD v1.1
Routines for drawing lines & putting pixels directly on the LCD. When drawing lines, the rate is about 5900 pixels / second (that is pretty fast!), because it doesn't use multiplication or division.
agmlcd13.zip4k04-05-13File is not ratedAGM LCD v1.3 - draw lines extremely fast!
This is a very fast line-drawing routine (7300 pixels/sec), which is demonstrated in a simple program. Useful for both fast 3D graphics and casual graphics, etc. Note that it doesn't use multiplication or division. That's why it's so extremely fast.

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