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| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-73 Assembly Source |  | | 3k | 06-12-24 |  | Doublewide masked/unmasked sprite routine Includes, my include file for 16-bit bitshifting for all three 16-bit registers,, which contains routines for running a bitwise boolean on hl with de or bc, and, which contains my routine for displaying a 16-bit sprite (the usual size is 8-bit) on the screen. The routine is in XOR logic, but can be changed to AND, or OR logic. Refer to readme.txt for info on input registers for the sprite routine. Now also includes, which is my sprite routine for a 16-bit masked sprite. I've also updated to old sprite routine to be much faster, and doesn't use IY, and i made some of the bitshifting routines faster. |  | | 4k | 06-04-15 |  | HeapSort for the Z80 An implementation of the famous HeapSort sorting algorithm in Z80 assembly language. |