Upcoming TI-86 Sound Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Sound Programs
Dan Henneberger
Yo People
Check out Mario that has good sound
Dude, first comment
27 January 2001, 00:09 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Sound Programs
(Web Page)
I have written and am polishing up a 3D graphing package (ti-basic) for the 86.
It's somewhat slow, but it is true 3d nonetheless.
If anyone wants to do an assembly version, let me know.
20 March 2001, 16:37 GMT
1-bit and 2-bit sound player
(Web Page)
I'm making a 1- and 2-bit wave player based on Andrew Waser's 86wav program. I've already written about 6 different programs to play the 2-bit sound, each with different sound qualities. I'll post some samples and ask people which method sounds best. I'm also trying to compress the sound data to a reasonable size, especially for 2-bit files. I've tried a PCX-type compression, which is very simple, but it shed off only 10 percent of the 2-bit file's size. Any other ideas for compression would be appreciated.
In addition to a simple sound player, I was thinking about making a video and audio player. I think it's possible to have 1-bit sound play along with a small b/w or 4 gray compressed video. Of course, a video could only be up to, say, 10-20 seconds long on an 86. Tell me what you think about all of this.
11 July 2001, 01:08 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Sound Programs
Jesse Puckett
I am working on a program that is basically like a MIDI player. It will use "music" that is stored in a string in "notes" like F,A,C........... without the commas of course. And it will have special characters that make notes in-between. The string will not be case sensitive. And if i get around to it, I might make an on-calc editor that playes the notes as you type them so you can hear what it sounds like before you save it. Also, I might make a windows program that converts songs to strings, but since there are I'm sure programs that convert songs to midi, I might make it to where it converts the actual midi file. Any help/comments are welcome. Email me b/c i dont look at message boards that much.
6 September 2002, 07:07 GMT