Upcoming TI-92 Plus Science Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-92 Plus Science Programs
i'll start working on a heat transfer program very soon. i already have a program done on an excel sheet so i think it won't be that long before i get it done in BASIC. if u have any suggestions as to what language i should write the program in, reply to this thread please. i'm not that much of a programmer but i'm very enthusiastic!
2 July 2004, 05:37 GMT
Planetarium Software for TI-92(+)/v200
(Web Page)
I was (am) working on an astronomical function library written in C. I asked myself: What can I do with this library.
So I decided to write a Planetarium Software for the TI-92(+)/v200 because I think nobody has written something like that yet. It should be similar to KStars (http://edu.kde.org/kstars/) and will be written in C (using TIGCC). I don't have any idea how it would look like (the calculator's display is quite small for such an application...), but I think it should be possible.
PLANET will include about 500 stars (250 visible at one time), solar system objetcs like sun, moon and the planets, some deep sky objects like galaxies and (maybe) constellations.
The user has to specify the place of observation (longitude and latitude on earth); the time and timezone is read from the calculator's internal clock (which is not very accurate...).
If it works good, I will add grayscale graphics instead of simple monochrome.
If you have a good idea or if you want to help me with this project, please send me an E-Mail.
[ Zykure ]
26 June 2005, 19:19 GMT
Re: Re: Planetarium Software for TI-92(+)/v200
(Web Page)
I have to apologize for the long time between this and my last post...
Yeah, it seems to be a good idea to create a sourceforge project. The app name (and project name) is ephem68k - my researches are base on ephem, a linux application to calculate ephemerides of solar system objects and other objects, too (asteroids, comets, stars, galaxies ...). Also, a Sky Watch feature will be implemented.
My first approach was to write a huge file containing all stars below 6 mag (>500!), but 200 was too much for my Voyage 200 already - the calculation of the current positions took about 2 minutes. 500 stars, about 100 deep sky objects and solar system objects - that would never be possible...
So I decided to go another way: We calculate only a few objects at the same time: The Sun and the Moon and all planets of the solar system (except Earth ;). Also, the user can add up to three objects (stars, deepsky, asteroids, whatever). So the calculation takes not too long, but many objects can be calculated.
I'm glad to see that there is some interest in this kind of software in the ticalc.org community. Currently I'm working out how ephem does it's calculations. I try to build a pre-alpha release within the next two weeks...
26 September 2005, 13:06 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-92 Plus Science Programs
(Web Page)
A periodic table program written in asm for the 92+. The first version will only include the following info:
atomic weight
oxidation states
melting point
boiling point
and a basic search engine
The first version should be done by the end of the month-most likely sooner but bad things can happen between now and then.
20 September 2000, 05:28 GMT