Upcoming TI-86 Science Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Science Programs
Hi everybody! I was wondering if anybody is going to be creating any new programs for Physics? I'm in Honors Physics at my high school, and I would love to see some new programs created for the TI-86 (that's what I have). But maybe I'll try my hand at writing TI programs. I can do logo, I can do HTML, I can do a little bit of BASIC, so why not TI?
Anyways, please respond if you know of any REALLY good programs or if you have any recommendations! Thanks!
10 December 1999, 08:02 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Science Programs
(Web Page)
I am currently working on two chemistry programs. One will solve gas chemical equilibium problems, while the other one will solve oxidation-reduction reaction equations. This program will undoubtedly make life easier for college chemistry and AP chemistry students.
3 April 2000, 08:05 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Science Programs
Someone please read this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello my name is AJ
I am going into biology 1-2 and have not taken it yet.
I dont know how much math or anything is and this maybe asking a bit much but if some one could make a basic or assembly program that covers all of high school bio I am in emergency
Someone help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
11 April 2000, 22:10 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Science Programs
Levi Jackson
(Web Page)
I am working on the ULTIMATE PERIODIC TABLE FOR THE 86! No graphics, But theres more information in this program than all others,(too my knowledge) combined! Right now I'm working on the search engine and the title screen sprite routines and other small graphics. If you would be interested in Beta testing, I would be in your gratitude! E-mail me for more info!
29 September 2001, 17:52 GMT
Upcoming TI-86 Chemistry Program
I'm making a Basic program that names compounds. I'm working out bugs with binary binary compounds but I expect the program to work with all binary compounds, and most compounds which are acids or contain polyatomic ions in them. The program has one drawback, the total program size is huge. I don't know Assembly so that hasn't been an option. If anyone wants to give me input, email me and I'll send you what I've got.
17 January 2002, 00:31 GMT
New Program: Chemical Quantities PRGM. and Stoichiometry PRGM.
Note: It kind of worries me that I'm making notes in succession.
I've decided to take a short break from my Compoud Program (I uploaded a beta version) in an effort to use the TI-86 for what it was meant for...MATH.
The Chemical Quantities PRGM. will convert moles,particles,density, volume, and component particles when I'm done with it. It will also solve composition by empiracle formula and vise versa. The only part left is that last little bit. It is based mostly upone tables I made for the Compound PRGM. So far, everything works out perfectly. I'm probably going to need BETA testers more for userfriendliness than for error spotting so if anyone is interested, Email me.
Stoichiometry PRGM. is one that I just started. It should work just as well as the "ChemQuan" PRGM. Again, Email me if you are interested in BETA testing.
P.S. I was working on a Balancing Equations PRGM. but I've hit a brick wall. Any math wizzes out there with a little time to help?
22 February 2002, 03:29 GMT
Module based peridoic table?
Leif Åstrand
(Web Page)
After checking all the periodic tables downloadable here at ticlal.org I found out that if I wanted to have all the data I need in my calc I would need to have three differen programs, taking up about 15000 bytes. If only the data I need, and nothing more, would be collected into one program, I think it would be about 6k.
After thinking about it for a while I found the best sollution. The main program is just a reader, and all the data neede would be stored in separate strings. So if you wanted the oxidation numbers, you load the string to your calc, and if you don't need it anymore, you just delete that string, keeping all the other data.
What do you think about this? Would people use this program, would people write modules and upload them to ticalc.org?
24 November 2002, 14:51 GMT
I'm writing PCref 1.2, a physics and chemistry reference program. It will list many different equations, and show reference tables for young's modulus, drag coefficients, friction coefficients, and density. The previous versions were badly written, but I've tried to make it better. It'll probably be up in about 2-3 months.
10 June 2003, 23:26 GMT