Upcoming TI-92 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
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Language Translator
I had a guy ask me for a TI92+ version of my Language Translator on the 89. It wasn't a very hard thing to make. I just submitted it. If you haven't tried it out for the TI89, you really should. I think it's quite nice.
As always, if you have a problem/suggestion or whatever, post it or email me!
9 June 2003, 22:52 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-92 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
The organization that I work with is nearing the release of a demo version of a full-featured OS called Morvlon 3.00, which runs full screen at startup and uses a more categorized interface than Windows (with radiobuttons to run each application) so that each quasi-TabPage of radiobuttons is a specific topic-the DTP app, Compose!, is under Office. This is designed to be an alternative way of accessing the device-the TI desktop is never seen (although you can quit to it), the menus like MATH and VAR-LINK don't work, etc. This will be posted here AS A DEMO if it is accepted, demo being defined as only a GUI plus some limited functionality with settings but no major apps. This is SERIOUS and is designed to compete with the PC for the primary use computer market-IT IS NOT A FILE EXPLORER!
25 September 2003, 20:07 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-92 Plus Miscellaneous Programs
Julian Rath
I am goining to do a 68k Projekt for a Little TI Netwrok with the serial line for games, files, chatting ... I need people who can programm c++ and assembler on the 68k processor, also I need all informations of the protokoll and the programming of the link line
write for more informations
ps. sorry for my bad english
26 September 2003, 22:05 GMT
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