Upcoming TI-92 Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-92 Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
I am making a link program for TI 92 under Win95, it would work with the parralel port. I need some help for the transmission interface.
I work under Visual Basic 5 and Visual C++ 4.
All the visual interface is make under VB5.
Thank you
17 August 1999, 20:02 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-92 Miscellaneous Programs
I have a program in mind (ASM) that would allow you to send programs and maybe other types of data to other calculators. If you assigned a hex number to every character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, + , -, *, /, and greek symbols) on the calculator, then transformed a program imto this hex code, sent it over a link onto another's calculator, and had his program identical to mine (made for the type of calculator he or she has) translate the code back into charcters and pasted it into a program of the same name as the original program. It would be done this way rather than translating a program into another calcs way of reading it so that I wouldn't have to make 42 different programs, only 7. I just need help as I am not affluent in Z80 ASM, and can't even contemplate 68000 ASM. I do not expect to be able to run 86 programs on an 83, just so that I can make 83 programs for friends and use my 86 to pass them on.
21 September 1999, 03:37 GMT
I am thinking about a program that will be very useful.
I would like to transform ti-92 data to Excel.
For example, when you make a data of measures with your ti-92 you sometimes need to print plots or make statistics of measure (and Excel is very useful for this).
Does someone know how to do it (with an Excel macro)
Thanks (please mail ideas)
28 June 2001, 15:44 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-92 Miscellaneous Programs
Jason Kahn
(Web Page)
I am making a fortune telling program.
Just letting the news out.
2 November 2001, 03:02 GMT