Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
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New Version 2.0 of Multi-Language Translator
I finally got up the ambition to recode everything from my translator program that I created last year. I had previously lost the source code, so that's one reason that it's so late. I just completed version 2.0 and uploaded it, so we'll see how long this takes to be put up.
For the interested, new features include:
-> Four lines of definitions for each word
-> Easier and more intuitive interface
-> New word editor for easy adding and deleting of words
-> New non-English characters to input
-> Bugfixes
-> Other stuff I can't think of now
Overall I think it's a lot better than the last version. If you haven't seen my last one, try this out!
11 May 2003, 08:40 GMT
Planner v8 is to be expected to come out by me by at least January 2004. The new planner version will be in ASM.
Less space!
25 September 2003, 00:02 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
As I have stated on the 92+ section of this site (announcements), I am part of a group that is currently creating a SERIOUS OS for the 89, 92+, V200, and VTI. It features:
-Full-screen welcome screen with isl_2(), scrolling custom marquee, Password Pro, and a background grayscale landscape
-Toolbars with icons on top of an icon desktop
-Cursor using a mouse to click on icons
-Word processing
-HTML edit and read
-Integrated file open-you don't need to know what the data type is to open it, just choose the file
-Internet (real internet-as in POSTING TO TICALC FROM YOUR CALC)
-Music edit and play
-Video edit and play
-File utilities
-Slideshow edit and play
-Statistics utils
-Char menu in grapical form
-Windowed design
-Advanced calculator (algebra, trig, calculus I & II)
-Chat with complex formatting
-File trading with PC
-Graphing and stat plot
-Cut, copy, paste, history, status line text
-Unit conversions
-Barcode scanning
-Address book
-Online help
30 September 2003, 00:40 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
Here's the 2nd part.
-Online/calc2calc file trading
-DVD/CD player
-Game organizer (We won't even attempt to write games)
-Sound effects
-Magnifying glass
-Program editor with a new language, MCL
-EULA (and we will respect others' EULAs)
-Modes and units settings
-Calc statistics
-Custom menu with all files by data type
-External device control
-Data collection
-A very extensive PROFESSIONAL art program
-This is all in grayscale BTW
-Backup to CD or computer
-File explorer
-Explore external memory
-Lock and archive
-Programs organizer/runner
-Date&Time math and settings
-Quit to TIOS
-Virus scan
-Quit to app
-File data
-Uses more than one menu-instead of Start, it has Office, Internet, Multimedia, Tools, etc.
-Requires AMS 2.09 for optimal use with TI-Keyboard
-Interfaces with external devices using USB
-About information-credit, EULA, etc
-Contrast adjustment
-No ON break
-Multitasking with window resize
-Stored on external memory with small shell prgm on calc to save memory (USB stick)
-Program optimization
Basically anything Windows XP does, this does. If I've left anything out (and I'm sure I have) post here b/c Southwestern Bloody Communications doesn't like my email address since I have dialup and they want people to use DSL.
30 September 2003, 00:42 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Upcoming TI-89 Miscellaneous Programs
(Web Page)
The reason that those things are on there is that they need to be there to be compatible with PC. They aren't that useful, but they will be there in case people need it.
For example, a 700 MB CD could be used (if it's a CD-RW) to back up an entire network (or all of the USB sticks, too), and Virus Scanning ("ViruScan") is useful because if this ends up actually working, people will write viruses-and they already do. A 12 MHZ calculator (actually 13.276278) can play CDs, and hopefully also DVDs, simply due to the fact that in 1996, 1 MHZ computers played CDs (albeit at 8x). A sound card can be installed externally via the link port (I have made a unit that does this-it's on top of my computer).
And, also, yes, I know about your project-I'm working with you on it :)
Please post here, people, btw, because this is how I'm trying to evaluate what people like/won't like and will/won't use.
14 November 2003, 21:33 GMT
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