Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Miscellaneous Programs
I hope to make a MacOS shell, sort of, for the TI86. I will hopefully post more, a lot more, information later
28 October 2001, 06:57 GMT
As is said, I would be posting more information later. Here it is. "I NEED HELP!!!" Anyone who would like to help me, give me ideas, constructively riticize, "constructively " criticize,or maybe alpha and beta test (later, way way later). Email me at ti86macos@hotmail.com. Then once I have a "group", I will give out information and questions.
NO WINDOWS USERS. No linux, unix, or other non-mac Operating Systems. Perferably Mac OS 9 users, but any will be accepted.
14 November 2001, 00:30 GMT
Extra Memory For The 86
What do you all think about a little device that holds between 1 and 2 megs of memory, and is about the same width and thickness of the 86, but only about an inch to an inch and a half long. It would immediately interfaces with the calculator with a nice graphical interface that tells the user what the calculator contains and what the device has on it, and you have the option of running whatever is on the device, copying the data from the device to the calc, or sending data from the calc to the device. What do you think about that?
18 January 2002, 03:49 GMT
(Web Page)
I am currently developing an assembly monthly planner program. It is about 30% completed. It will allow the user to input data about a day of the month, and then it will either keep the info, delete the info, or move it to a different day, based on the options the user selects for that data. The user, of course, must set the current day, for the data to be updated. It will also allow for permanant days such as birthdays or christmas. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
7 April 2002, 07:30 GMT
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