Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
necesito saber si existe algun programa completo para estatica, que resuelva paso a paso, y si no pues que de la respuesta nada mas, si saben gracias...
I want to know if there are any programs of static, that give me the answer step by step, but if they aren't this way, someone else that only give me the answer, if they are let me know....thanks
22 September 2004, 17:54 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
Shaun Snyder
Just letting everyone know that I am in a process of a creating a combination math program. It will be in basic form but by the end of 2005 it should be in assembly code. The name is Advant-Garde. It will have Area, Surface Area, Volume, Pythagoream Theorem, Slope, and Quadratic Equation solving capabilities. Please let me know if there is anything else I should include. I'm always open for ideas.
12 January 2005, 00:18 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
i just got the 89 Titanium for my birthday and i decided to start my first big programming project, so i started porting F2K to the 89, but i have run into some slight difficulty. first, the infinate limit parts of the arithmetic and geometric sequences use lists and i'm not sure how to do those. second, the trinomial factorer uses the "Output" command and i keep getting a domain error whenever it gets to that part. any help that you can offer me will be appreciated and documented in the ReadMe. please e-mail me if you would like the code for the infinate limit or the trinomial factorer
5 September 2005, 17:38 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
Hice un programa del método de Eules en E.D. de primer orden y quiero publicarlo, cómo hago esto?
17 December 2005, 23:27 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
Daniel Pizano
Hey does anyone know of any programs for the TI-89 Titanium for trig? like finding sin/cos/tan of any angle. Also progs with radians and unit circle. I looked through the archive
21 January 2009, 22:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
I'm developing a program that somewhat mimics the TI-83/84 App ProbSim. How do I upload it?
20 November 2013, 04:12 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
Javier Pozo
Deseo enviarles un programa que diseñe para el curso
de calculo numérico, consiste en resolver ecuaciones del tipo f(x)=0
28 November 1999, 02:57 GMT
Sorry that I am in english, but...
Sorry that this is written in English, but my meager Spanish education says that you want to be able to solve equations of the form F(x)= equation.
If it is only solving algebraically(no calculus), just use the solve( command in this way- solve(fill in equation here, fill in variable here).
For example, to solve 2^x=32 for x, input solve(2^x=32,x) which returns x=5.
If you are solving a calculus equation with derivatives, use d(equation, variable, order of derivative). The d is found under the Calc menu on the home screen.
For example, to take the first derivative of 3x^2 +14x, input d((3x^2)+14x,x,1). This will return 6x+14 as the first derivative.
Hope all of this helps!
El Caballero
11 December 2000, 04:03 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
The Elusive Cheezmoose Inc., a wholly owned subsidary of DLSJ Ent., is now beginning construction of the TI-89 Calculus toolkit! Soon, there will be nothing a TI-89 can't do! Features include: Mean Value Thoerem, Riemann Sums, RAM, Trapezoidal Approx. Method and more!
Anyone wishing to help, reply to this post!
(TI-83 version of calculus toolkit by CEDO v4.1 c1995)
17 February 2000, 23:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Math Programs
Tomas Boril
I'm developing Analytic Geometry. It will be very cool...
28 January 2001, 13:19 GMT
Upcoming Geometry assistance
arturo aparicio
This is a new progam that i am coming up with to make work a little easier. This is desinged for high school geometry and some college. The progam will include Volume's,Area's,trig, and some phytagoreans theorem
5 May 2001, 21:53 GMT
TI-89/TI-83+ Trigonometry Kit
Dear Fellow TI-calc enthusiasts,
I have a trigonometry kit coming out in July for the 89 and the 83+ that will feature trig functions, a theodolite solver, and other formula based programs. I will eventually be converting this to all calculators with the possible exception of the 73 or 81. Please email me @ scorpo128a@hotmail.com if you would like to help on a volunteer basis(The only thing you get is your name in the credits.), or if you have any ideas for programs that are needed(again you will be posted in the credits unless otherwise specified).
Lord Scorpo
11 April 2003, 04:18 GMT
Trig Kit Update
This is just an update on what is to be on the kit.
So far, we are looking at a conics section similar to the apps seen on the TI-83+, some trigonometric functions and identities, Theodolite, which will just be implemented, my pocircle program is going to be implemented, and possibly a program that can identify conic sections. The last section is still under construction as I can't make the calculator distinguish the difference between a circle and an ellipse. Please do keep your ideas coming, but keep in mind that we will only put in what we think is neccesary.
The last thing I have to say is that we might make the program so that the user can choose what kind of options he/she wants. this is to both save room, and provide room for other programs when some programs are unwanted. This promotes space efficiency.
As always, help is wanted. Please do not hesitate to help. Just notify me @ scorpo128a@hotmail.com
17 April 2003, 23:09 GMT
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