Upcoming TI-80 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-80 Games
(Web Page)
I am working on a heads or tails game where you bet money. I know it sounds simple but, 1) there is nothing like it for the 80 2) I just started programming a few days ago, and 3) The Ti-80 can't hold much more.
27 November 1999, 05:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-80 Games
I'm making a few games for the TI-80 because their isn't anything like them. I'm making a craps game where you bet money and a game where you battle with monsters.
21 June 2000, 02:33 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-80 Games
I'm making a few games for the TI-80 because their isn't anything like them. I'm making a craps game where you bet money and a game where you battle with monsters.
21 June 2000, 02:35 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-80 Games
Never Mind my previous posts. I'll admit they were stupid and they didn't make much sense. Okay. I have ported Druglord from the 81 and have to put it to the computer. I am also almost done on a craps game creatively titled "Craps!" and "Nascar Racing" where you bet money on the driver.
31 August 2000, 02:10 GMT