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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, it's faster 105 40.2%   
No, it's slower 8 3.1%   
It makes no real difference 92 35.2%   
I haven't been here enough to notice 56 21.5%   

Survey posted 2002-04-23 10:38 by Magnus.

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Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

O-tay, dis' suhvey iiiiiiiiis ol' (don't I sound like a pimp?). Like is your calculator electronically upgradable? Or, do you smoke Scooby Doo's middle name (I don't)?

Reply to this comment    30 April 2002, 03:05 GMT

yougotavirus  Account Info
(Web Page)

Calculator folk are the best folk.

Reply to this comment    30 April 2002, 04:52 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Chivo  Account Info

That sounds like Jar Jar Binks!

Reply to this comment    30 April 2002, 16:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

Me see speak good english!

Reply to this comment    30 April 2002, 21:36 GMT

Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

Isn't it wierd how some people can make comments that no one will ever respond to (except bogus ti productions) and others make controversial ones that everyone comments to?

Reply to this comment    2 May 2002, 00:26 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Chivo  Account Info

I'm not going to respond to this one.

Reply to this comment    2 May 2002, 01:13 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Chivo  Account Info


Reply to this comment    2 May 2002, 01:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

Correction: "D'oh!"

Reply to this comment    2 May 2002, 23:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Chivo  Account Info

I was thinking it might be "D'oh!", but I wasn't sure. Oh well.

Reply to this comment    3 May 2002, 00:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you're not sure, just watch The Simpsons episode entitled, "Lisa's Sax". The word "d'oh" is spelled out on the sax.

Reply to this comment    4 May 2002, 02:23 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

Isn't it also wierd that the stupidest things are considered controversial, like w00t or the fact that the Mac sucks.

Reply to this comment    3 May 2002, 00:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

it's w00t! not w00t


PS: w00t!

Reply to this comment    3 May 2002, 04:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

Excuse me! I didn't know you were so sensitive about your w00tiness.

Reply to this comment    4 May 2002, 02:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

<slap></slap> Now write w00t! out 100 times without copy and paste and then thou shalt be forgiveneth. w00t!

Reply to this comment    6 May 2002, 06:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
killerB  Account Info
(Web Page)

it would be "woot!-iness"

Reply to this comment    6 May 2002, 23:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

Or w00t!iness. either one is fine.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2002, 01:41 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
kEvinwElls  Account Info
(Web Page)

bogus is gay. all he says is w00t. there isnt a damn thing he says that pretains to any topic. There isnt damn thing he says that makes and sense either. There isnt a damn thing he says worth posting. SO BOGUS STOP IT WITH THE DAMNED w00ts!!!!!!comment about somthing productive. Unless your IQ is 15, in that case w00t! is the most intelligent thing you can say.

Reply to this comment    22 May 2002, 02:05 GMT

Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

This is probably the worst possible place to put this comment, but does anyone have the OS file for TI-83 Plus v1.12 or a v1.12 ROM. I am trying to make a usable ROM to work with Virtual TI. Any help is appreciated.

Reply to this comment    3 May 2002, 00:00 GMT

Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Justanotherprogrammer  Account Info

i do, gimme your e-mail so I can send it to ya.
I have:
OS 1.12
OS 1.13
OS 1.14

Reply to this comment    3 May 2002, 00:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

You can click on my name at the top of my post to get my e-mail. Just to make sure, it's paj12@yahoo.com

Reply to this comment    4 May 2002, 02:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Paul Joyner  Account Info
(Web Page)

By the way, could you just send v1.12? I already have the other two and neither works with Virtual TI.

Reply to this comment    4 May 2002, 02:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

Send them all to me to. Thanx.

Reply to this comment    5 May 2002, 04:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
BigRedDog  Account Info
(Web Page)

The most recent VTI was made before 1.13/1.14 and is thus incompatible with it. They just won't work.

Reply to this comment    8 May 2002, 05:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

IMHO, 1.13 is much more reliable and stable on my calc.

Reply to this comment    8 May 2002, 21:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Is the new ISP connection better than before?
Nathan Ladwig  Account Info
(Web Page)

Please send all of them to Netham45@comcast.net. I would be very grateful.

Reply to this comment    17 January 2005, 16:40 GMT

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