Yes, it is the most important day of the year
Yes, but not that much
No, Pi day sucks
What is Pi and Pi day?
I celebrated my birthday instead
Re: Did you celebrate Pi day?
yeah, I celebrated that day... it wuz the one year anniversary for my girlfriend and me, so I guess I would have to say I celebrated that day, if not by accident...
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17 March 2002, 08:32 GMT
Re: Did you celebrate Pi day?
Paul Schippnick
(Web Page)
PI day. Well I didn't know of it. March 14th hmmm. 03/14. Or this year 020314. Anyway.
3.14... if you take the decmial digits 14.. to 144 places and sum the digits. You get 666. Really.
Now if you have a program that can carry out a arithmetic to a specific number of places the following algorithm will quickly generate the value of PI to that many places, assuming the accuracy is also to that many places:
Do loop
Let E = A
Let B = 2 x B
Let A = (A + C) / 2
Let C = sqrt(C x E)
Let D = D - [B x (A - E)^2]
Then PI = (A / 2)^2 / (4 x D)
The above is written in a pseudo code. And is found on page 69 (less "Do Loop") in "Barron's Mathematics Sudy Dictionary." The inside front and back cover has PI to 500 decimal places.
Now a square root algorithm:
new value = 1
do loop
old value = new value
new value = (number + old value^2) / (2 x old value)
And when, before making the old value equal to the new value, the new value no longer changes from the last old value: You have then arrived at the square root of the number to the accuracy or precision of the calculation. This algorithm can found a number of places. My source is "Calculator Calculus" by George McCarty.
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17 March 2002, 08:56 GMT
Re: Did you celebrate Pi day?
Tijl Coosemans
(Web Page)
All I know about Pi is that it's 3.14 and if you square it, it equals 10.
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18 March 2002, 00:46 GMT
Re: Did you celebrate Pi day?
Chuck Slezak
(Web Page)
An interesting fact on the numbers...
Pi Day = 3-14
In order to be accurate, the last most accurate Pi Day would have been Mar 14, 1592 or 3-14-1592.
Likewise: 3-14 159 AD
Mar 14 15 AD
and Mar 14 1 AD.
The next "accurate" Pi day would be Mar 14, 15926.
Or, within 20 years, 3-14-15. (Mar 14 2015)
Okay, my presense was felt. If I confused anyone, I'm sorry.
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19 March 2002, 03:39 GMT
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