Voyage 200
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Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
(Web Page)
<troll but true>
TI-86 is the leetest!
And if you get two, you can linkplay Wormy ;)
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15 January 2002, 14:59 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
My school's kinda funny. You see, way back in 9th grade, one of my friends got a great deal on 86's, so pretty much half the school has 86's. Then, around 11th grade in precal, the teacher only knew how to use 82 and 83 (plus included). Naturally, most people bought a 83+ from the school itself. I have an 89, ever since the end of 9th grade, and we were allowed to use it, but now our school bans them, cause they got really powerful calculus capacbilities. (although, it doesn't really do much in 3 dimensions (partly cause it wasn't built for 3d (unlike one of HP's calc's, which I forget))) Unlucky me, I though of taking my 89 out and placing it into an 83+'s body, cause they are alike, but then I thought that there would have to be an 83 look to it as well, cause the teachers all wander around in class, to check your calc's. I probably could program a shell to simlulate an 83, possibly a TSR, except that I don't have the time at all to take on such a large project. I had once made a small prog for AMS 1.05 that would make all the progs disappear, and the memory screen would register zero bytes used. (except for system resources) I even had a prototype version of it where it would keep all your apps even after a reset, but then AMS 2.xx came out, and I scrapped the project. Oh well, It doesn't really matter now, cause I got so used to doing calculations without a calculator of any type, but it still helps out on the SAT's. But, if I was to buy another calculator, I'd probably buy another 89, just because then I could mess around with this one, so that my Hardware 1.00 one wouldn't get messed up. The other TI calc's don't interest me that much, simply cause I've used them before, and nothing compares to the power of the 89.
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29 January 2002, 00:32 GMT
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