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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, with their name/email 9 6.8%   
Yes, but I claim them as my own 5 3.8%   
No, I just upload my own files 69 52.3%   
No, I just download 46 34.8%   
I never use the archives at all 3 2.3%   

Survey posted 2002-01-12 15:44 by Magnus.

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Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

Yay! #4 :P

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 18:29 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

I would upload my own files and my friends' files but with them knowing and having there name for the author of course :)

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 18:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

BTW, how long does it normally take for a file to be added to the archive?!? i sent one in on Dec28 2001 and still not added yet? am i just too impatient? should i just try sending it agian? should i justgive up?!?! help me PLEASE!

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 21:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Morgan  Account Info

Considering that they just added over 1000 files to the list, I wouldn't be surprized if they were taking a break. If there was a time that they would upload your file, it would probably be on the weekend!

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 22:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info

but why did they just add only one single file for the 83+ on jan 5! just one! i dont think that makes much sense at all. if your going to add only one, you should just wait until you have many you can add all at once... thats just a way for me to get more impatient and pissed off... then sad that my new prgm wont be up there... :(

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 22:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Morgan  Account Info

I would almost be willing to bet that your program is a basic math, science, or miscelaneous program. In such case your program isn't as important as games and all assembly programs, which are more popular. And if it your this is your first program it does take them quite a bit longer to add new authors to their list. Plus ever heard....

"Patience is a virtue."

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 01:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Mammoth_Mk.2 Account Info
(Web Page)

No ;) but thanks for the info! and yes your right, its Basic

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 03:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

"your program is a basic math, science, or miscelaneous program. In such case your program isn't as important as games and all assembly programs"

True, they get too many of those; and reduntant. I HATE basic programmmers who don't check to see if there is a file of that type already. I almost think Ticalc.org should add another file type, 'Not trash not featured'

(And yes, there was a time I wrote a BASIC measurement converter. Such times are behind me)

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 19:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Morgan  Account Info
(Web Page)

Even more I hate the "programmers" who's Basic programs don't even work. You know the programs that come up with an error the first time you try to run them.

Reply to this comment    14 January 2002, 03:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Magnus Hagander  Account Info
(Web Page)

The simple answer to that question is that we wanted to get the huge list of file updates from Jan 1st off the default frontpage. That required creating an entry for a distinct day.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 13:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Barrett Anderson  Account Info
(Web Page)

might want to do that a couple more times cus on my default page settings (and other people's) it displays like 7 days or something... and i'm too lazy to change it.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 17:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Magnus Hagander  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's an idea :-) However, our focus was to get it out of the default frontpage, which is what a large majority of the people who go there use.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 18:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

Try calc.org, if you are a registered author files are added instantly.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 19:33 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
molybdenum  Account Info
(Web Page)

hooray! Xth post!!!

Reply to this comment    14 January 2002, 04:27 GMT

Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Bradford5 Account Info

uh......yea.......i just upload my own....why upload someone else's.......if they can make a program, surely they can upload it themself!

Reply to this comment    12 January 2002, 20:10 GMT

Michael Lloyd
Vejita  Account Info
(Web Page)

I do believe that I am the creator of Michael Lloyd. :)

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 03:29 GMT

Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
BigRedDog  Account Info
(Web Page)

First to vote not using the archives! I have all the files I want, but if an interesting one pops up, I download it while it's still on the front page. That's all I ever use the archives. And I would upload my APP, but it's not ready ;)


Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 04:07 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Joe Pemberton  Account Info
(Web Page)

my god, the music on that site is so freakin annoying..

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 21:46 GMT

Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?

ya I 0nly upload my 0wn files; however, i disagree that it is dish0nest to upl0ad others' files as your 0wn. If 0ne wants t0 get credit f0r their file they sh0uld write their name in the c0de. H0wever, if 0ne does not write their name in the c0de in an opening "introduction" page to the program and it then finds its way on to the calculat0r of a ticalc.org user, that user 0ught t0 have the right t0 post that pr0gram and take full credit f0r it, as it is their sch00l that pumped it 0ut.
I posted one file twice at the beginning of 20o1 and it still has n0t made its way t0 the archives !! ... yes, it is a TI-83 plus BASIC math program, and yes I have n0t posted any 0thers s0 i would be a new author, but for that many m0nths this is Still ridiculus!

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 05:04 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Morgan  Account Info
(Web Page)

You seriously will want to try reuploading your file. It has never taken them over a month to upload my files, even the basic ones. I have actually had your smae problem, my only guess, would be that they often loose some files before they can post them.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 08:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
Magnus Hagander  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you do chose to re-upload the file, please remember that if the script says there is alreayd a file by that name in the archives, your file is still in the queue! In this case, please do *not* change the name and re-upload, as it will show up as two separate files which requires twice the work in approval.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 13:31 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

That is the biggest load of BS I've heard in my life. We programmers don't always put in introduction screens as (in asm) a text only one is 128 bytes, and an uncompressed graphical one is 700-800 (I forget the exact number).


Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 19:39 GMT

Re: Re: Do you ever upload other peoples files to the ticalc.org archives?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

And another thing: If programmers don't mind if their file is posted, they put it in the copyright giving anyone the right to distribute (thats what I do)

Reply to this comment    13 January 2002, 19:39 GMT

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