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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I am an April Fool 141 30.0%   
No, you couldn't trick me 187 39.8%   
I didn't visit ticalc.org on 1 April and missed everything 142 30.2%   

Survey posted 2001-04-02 05:15 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
barich Account Info
(Web Page)

I didn't know what day it was when I checked the site. I fell for it until I (finally) saw the date/time it was posted and remembered ticalc's history of April Fools jokes. However, I think some other sites one-upped you with some very scary April Fools stuff. Try clicking my web page for details. Imagine if ticalc was bought by *eFront*. Gasp. . .

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 14:45 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?

Despite the fact I didn't visit ticalc.org April 1st I don't really care, and hadn't noticed that it wasn't on banner alley. Oh well...

Reply to this comment    4 April 2001, 22:03 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Craig Vincent  Account Info

You got me. I thought you were really going to keep it on there. Almost every other site you go to has one, and if it'll earn you some money, than you might as well put a banner on your site! it's juss a little bit more to scroll past.

Reply to this comment    5 April 2001, 00:39 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Rob Sowby  Account Info
(Web Page)

Anyone that thinks that ticalc.org would actually result to advertising Hewlett Packard ads also needs to make sure that their shoes are on the right feet :)

Reply to this comment    5 April 2001, 01:18 GMT
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