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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Choice Votes   Percent
Maple 43 10.3%   
Mathematica 33 7.9%   
MatLab 22 5.3%   
MathCAD 19 4.6%   
Derive 12 2.9%   
None of the Above 287 69.0%   

Survey posted 2000-08-30 16:16 by Andy Selle.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Chris Moultrie  Account Info
(Web Page)

STARCRAFT...that should've been on the list...hehehehe

Reply to this comment    1 September 2000, 01:46 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
GForce  Account Info

Mabey this poll should say: Has a third party site such as ticalc.org OR tinews.net influenced you to buy a calc from TI??
How many?

Reply to this comment    1 September 2000, 02:04 GMT

Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

Great idea, especially in light of the tinews.net controversy.

P.S. Bill Gates' daughter lives in my building!

Reply to this comment    1 September 2000, 05:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

By "Bill Gates" I mean TI's Bill Gates, not Microsoft's.

Reply to this comment    1 September 2000, 05:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

I doubt Microsoft's Bill Gates' daughter would live in an apartment building(/dormitory?) - she'd have her own small mansion.

Reply to this comment    2 September 2000, 16:31 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Amalfi Marini  Account Info

Derive Rocks. And remember that we have an adapted Derive version in our TI89/92. Anyway, it is very old, except the new one, the derive 5. TI must optimize the derive code anyway.

Reply to this comment    2 September 2000, 02:11 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Fil  Account Info
(Web Page)

Where's the option for "Never heard of any of these programs"??? Or maybe I've just spent 99% of my existence living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop... You know the place...

-Fil and his shiny $0.02

Reply to this comment    2 September 2000, 02:23 GMT

Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

Then i live in the box across the room from you.

Reply to this comment    2 September 2000, 16:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Fil  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'll give you my shiny $0.02 if you can figure out where that's from...

-Fil and his shiny $0.02

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 02:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
rabidcow Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 05:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Nikku-kun Account Info

"Alberquerque", by Al Yankovic, from the CD "Running With Scissors". Thank you.

::collects his two cents::

-- Nik

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 06:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
rabidcow Account Info
(Web Page)

excuse me?
i believe those are mine!

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 16:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Fil  Account Info
(Web Page)

Sorry pal, he got 'em. You just said you hated saurkraut, that didn't tell me anything about the song. Maybe you just hate saurkraut, how would I know?

-Fil without his shiny $0.02

Reply to this comment    4 September 2000, 01:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Kenneth Johnson  Account Info

There is no song called "Alberquerque" on that CD. But, there IS a song titled "Albuquerque". ahh... <strokes chin conspiratorially>

Reply to this comment    9 September 2000, 22:04 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
David Hong Account Info

Never even heard of these programs

Reply to this comment    2 September 2000, 21:57 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
David Browne  Account Info
(Web Page)

i think i am going to start using maple, i think there was some mention of it at my college orientation concerning the engineering dept. or maybe it was oak or elm. i cant remember. therere calculus classes that use computer instead of calc, but i dont kbow which programns they use, im not in any of those classes

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 00:32 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
DWedit  Account Info
(Web Page)

Phoenix is downloaded more often than QUAD8x... Calc gamers lurk here.

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 08:17 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Samir Ribic  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well I tried Derive, Mathematica and Maple. Derive (DOS version) is the most practical, it can fit on single 360 K floppy (!). I used it even on 8086 machines without hard disc ten years ago.

However, after I decided to stop using pirated software, I downloaded MuPad (www . mupad . de) which is free for students and teachers. (To be honest, teaching is not my primar job, but I am also university assistant.)

Reply to this comment    3 September 2000, 21:51 GMT

Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Apreche  Account Info
(Web Page)

Today is my first day of college. I just moved in yesterday. I have never heard of any of these programs, but they seem like they could be really useful in my math class. Where can I get them and are they free?

Reply to this comment    4 September 2000, 03:00 GMT

Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Ichabod Crane  Account Info

Try Studyworks by Mathsoft [they make Mathcad] Easy to use, cheap.


better yet ... learn FORTRAN

Reply to this comment    4 September 2000, 20:38 GMT

Re: Re: Which of the following computer programs do you use the most?
Samir Ribic  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you need free maple clone visit www.mupad.de and download MuPad.
Trial version of Derive is available on TI site.

Reply to this comment    5 September 2000, 11:46 GMT

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