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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
Choice Votes   Percent
HTTP: I memorize URL's because I know the directory structure better than Steve 78 20.2%   
HTTP: Periodical allfiles.zip downloads 24 6.2%   
HTTP: Hunt, poke, find stuff that looks cool 239 61.9%   
HTTP: News item recommendations only 27 7.0%   
FTP: Browser-based FTP 9 2.3%   
FTP: A normal FTP client such as CuteFTP or command-line FTP 9 2.3%   

Survey posted 2000-07-02 00:59 by Nick Disabato.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
Paulo Marques  Account Info

A worthwile poll! shame it doesn't have "all files for my calc", though...


Reply to this comment    2 July 2000, 03:42 GMT

Re: Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?

Umm... that's basically what the "allfiles.zip" one is for.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 03:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
Paulo Marques  Account Info

all files that come out, not all at once... I'll have to do it after summer vacation, though


Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 02:36 GMT

Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
EV9D93  Account Info
(Web Page)

I download the allfiles.zip file then download every interesting or even somewhat interesting or might be needed files i see on the new files list, which i check .5 to 5 times a day.



Reply to this comment    2 July 2000, 18:59 GMT

Re: Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 07:34 GMT

Re: Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
Paulo Marques  Account Info

Just thought of that... isn't that possible with a good ftp program???


Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 02:59 GMT

Re: Re: How do you download your files from ticalc.org?
Magnus Hagander  Account Info
(Web Page)

You will be happy to know that at least parts of this has (finally) been implemented. It is now possible to sort by date.
We're going to look into the possibility of the other sorting keys you suggested.

Reply to this comment    8 July 2000, 18:25 GMT

Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

This is not a joke

It is my sad duty to tell you that Laura Thompson was killed yesterday. She was setting off artillery shells when one didn't light. She bent over to see what was wrong and the shell ignited. This may sound like a joke, but I assure you it is not. Laura Thompson is dead! Just don't let what happened to her, happen to you. It wasn't pretty, seeing my girlfriends crumpled body in my arms, her head all but a little stub. She had so much promise, please be carefull with fireworks.


Laura Thompson
7/12/80 -- 7/1/2000

This is not a joke

Reply to this comment    2 July 2000, 23:54 GMT

Re: Laura Thompson

You're kidding, right?

Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 07:09 GMT

Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

As much as I'd like to be, I'm not kidding. Laura Thompson is dead.


Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 18:57 GMT

Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

What kind of artillery shells was she using?! Military grade?!

Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 20:59 GMT

Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info


Sorry if I yelled, but I'm still sensitive.

Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 21:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Anubis  Account Info

I, for one, believe you. Please accept my condolences (sp.?) and...*thinks* I guess that's all I can do from here.

Life is change, and they aren't always good ones.
I'm sorry.


Reply to this comment    3 July 2000, 22:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
JaggedFlame Account Info

If this makes anyone else doubtful, realize that the time zones for both the girl and the guy are the same.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 01:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

So is mine. But that doesn't prove anything. New Mexico and Colorado are in the same time zone, so what are you trying to prove?

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 02:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
JaggedFlame Account Info

Well, at least it doesn't show that the guy's lying... I mean he still could be but I don't see the purpose.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 04:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

What does that prove? I live in the same time zone as Nick.

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 18:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

EWW! Get away from me you sick bitch! :)

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 00:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Uhh..the explosive at the bottom of commercial grade shells is not enough to knock someone's head off. At most, it would knock her out, but not kill her. Even the explosive that shoots the balls of chemicals out won't even do that much damage, unless she was holding it in her mouth.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 02:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
(Web Page)

I happen to have seen many people killed by fireworks here in Louisville, KY! ( By commercial grade explosives) In fact, it happened on my street once.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 02:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

I meant commercial, like the kind YOU can buy without a degree in chemical explosives and a permit.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 05:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
rob smith  Account Info
(Web Page)

a roman candle can kill you and they are sold almost anywhere

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 18:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Let's see...

I've seen people shot in the head with roman candles, and escape with a burn mark
I've seen people shot in the chest with artillery shells and survive with a burnt shirt.

I know fireworks CAN kill people and have, but sorry, artillery shells don't rip people's heads off.

Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 20:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

You mean you've heard other people talk about how they have seen other people do that. That could be false for all you know, your sourse isn't exactly trustworthy.


Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 20:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Alex, shut up and tell them Laura never existed. In fact, the only reason you "killed" her is beacuse of me.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 01:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

I posted that last comment because I think it's wrong that one person can make all of you believe that Laura was a real person, and then because he doesn't want to use the name anymore, he makes most people here believe she died. That's kinda heartless, dude.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 01:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

That comment was out of line. I won't gratify that post with an answer.


Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 03:05 GMT

What relavance could this thread possibly have to the survey?
(Web Page)

This whole damn thread is out of line. Someone delete it, please.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 03:53 GMT

Re:^11: Laura Thompson
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

aww, ain't that cute. I chased him off of ticalc. That was fun.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 06:35 GMT

Re: Re:^11: Laura Thompson
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

Boy don't you sound like a wonderful person, I'd love to meet you in some back alley, I'll whoop your ass!


Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 18:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
(Web Page)

I don't care if she's real or not, i just wonna argue about the dangers of fireworkz :~)

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 03:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
(Web Page)

you may have seen SOME people have that happen but most would be injured severely

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 19:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

If explosives didn't kill people, why would we use them in wars?

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 15:55 GMT

Re: Laura Thompson
Paulo Marques  Account Info

In case you're joking, you're sick!
In case you're not... so sorry, she was a nice lassie... and for those sho didn't know, he is/was her boyfriend.


Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 03:18 GMT

Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

Well, I'm not joking. She's dead. Let us look back on the positive things in her life. Like the time I told you[Paulo] that I was her boyfriend and you asked Amalfi if he was availible and he came back with, "Amalfi is, and always will be A MAN!" Yes, Laura touched many in her short existance, and I for one will dearly miss her.


Reply to this comment    4 July 2000, 20:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
Paulo Marques  Account Info

You had to bring THAT up!
Happens... anyway, I'm better with girls, mind you!


Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 02:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Laura Thompson
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

Probably better than me.

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 18:19 GMT

akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Eh?... Shaddup! You got no proof, and plus it sounds made up.

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 05:29 GMT

Re: Err...
Anubis  Account Info

Once and for all people

Try and find something else to do with your time.
IF he made it up to get attention then he surely got it.
IF it's true no one is being very supportive of the guy. No one here seems capable of empathy anymore, anywhere. Existentialism (or however its spelled) gains more and more credibility to me almost daily.

I'd strongly recommend that, if you believe him, support him. If you don't, shut up and stop debating him.

I guess now would probably be the time Lionheart steps up and says it's all a hoax, making a fool of me.
It would be better than the alternative....

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 09:32 GMT

Re: Re: Err...
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

I wish it were a hoax, I wish I was making this up. But the fact of the matter is I don't like attention, I like to lurk in the shadows. Its my way. And Laura Thompson is dead. I wish I could agree with akadajet or whatever, but sadly I'm not.


Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 18:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Err...
akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ok, for one, the story just SOUNDS fake. Plus, 2nd, you havnt brought fourth any proof whatsoever. Like, if you ARNT joking, link us up to the local newspaper's deaths section, I would honestly like to see it.

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 19:34 GMT

Let's settle this debate!
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

Send an e-mail to lthompson82@hotmail.com

Do you get a reply? If so, Alex is lying.

Reply to this comment    5 July 2000, 22:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

You are one sick bastard! Are you some sort of sadist! I don't need proof, she's no longer with us, and I thought that you were entitled to know.


Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 00:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)



No one believes it anymore. Laura Thompson NEVER existed, it was just your screeen name for a while.

I live in Socorro, New Mexico, where both Alex, and "Laura" live. In the most current edition of the newspaper, there is NO mention of and artillery shell-related deaths in it.
I hope that is all the proof you need.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 01:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
jaymz Account Info

Woah, after reading this debate I forgot what the survey was about.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 02:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
MikeW Account Info
(Web Page)

Me Too.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 04:26 GMT

AlexandertheLionhearted Account Info

In any case, I'm sick of this. Now that Laura (who dragged me into this place) is dead I don't care about this survey board. You guys are dumbasses, especially Akira of HLC. The internet's a big place, I can find a better place. See you bastards around!


Don't bother responding to this cause I'm gone!

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 05:01 GMT

Re: Adios
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Maybe I should call him.....say I'm sorry for running him off the board.
HEY! Why don't I give you all his phone # so that YOU can call him too! oh wait. no.

besides, the only reason laura was here, was because of me.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 06:47 GMT

Re: Re: Adios
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

How about we you give us YOUR phone number so that we can tell you why its not PC to run people off of survey boards.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 18:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

Not really knowing what's going on, I'm not too sure about this, but to me you [Akira of HLC] sound a little obsessed to me. As if you've been trying to prove that Laura Thompson and Alexanderthelionhearted are the same people. So what if they are?

Like Akadajet said, it sound a little funny, the whole story, it's just fishy.

Alexanderthelionhearted sounded a little insinsere. If my girlfriend just died, I'd sound a whole lot sadder, and I wouldn't share my pain, my open wound to people in a place like this who can't distinguish the late "Laura" from a line of calculator.

Maybe they are the same people, maybe their not, who cares? "Laura" just kicked off, and Alexanderthelionhearted just said his goodbyes, I hope you guys feel real good yourselves right now.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 18:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

> as if you've been trying to prove that Laura Thompson and Alexanderthelionhearted are the same people.

O.K. Here's a big one for you.. THEY ARE! I live in Socorro, and, well, I've known alex since he tried to stuff me in a refridgerator in kindergarten(yeah, laugh it out. :)

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 01:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

For whatever relevance that had. Even if he did stuff you in a toy fridge, why would that predispose him to creating fictictious characters in his mind?


Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 02:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info
(Web Page)

You said that you live in Socorro, well I took the liberty of looking at your local paper's website. www.dchieftain.com and noticed a recent post by "Laura". In fact she must have just posted it by the looks of it. I have included a link to the page. For those of you who live in Socorro all I have to say is.....YOUR PAPER SUCKS FAT ASS!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 04:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

HAHAHAHAHA! That is incredibly ironic!

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 04:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

I can't agree more.

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 19:23 GMT

Alex lied
kennethdj69  Account Info

now we know for a definite fact that he is lying his ass off. on July 6, 2000 Laura Thompson posted a message on the message board at the Socorro News Paper's website about fireworks. whereas on July 2, 2000 Alexanderthelionhearted posted on this message board that she had died. now he has been exposed for what he is....

hmm, i guess it was a conspiracy to get a whole bunch of people all confused so they would post too many messages on a made up subject....

Reply to this comment    14 July 2000, 23:50 GMT

akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yup, your lying. Be gone!

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 16:39 GMT

Re: Re: Err...
Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

<snip>I guess now would probably be the time Lionheart steps up and says it's all a hoax,</snip>

It would be much more interesting if _Laura_ said it was a hoax. However, I doubt that that will happen :(

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 21:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Err...
Laura Thompson  Account Info

Actually Akira of HLC was right the whole time, Laura Thompson never existed so she couldn't die, nor could she be born. She never was. The joke's over.


Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
YesMan  Account Info

Ha! Good one. You didn't stop me from using fireworks on the 4th, though.

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 02:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Anubis  Account Info

*stands up and waves*
hi, I'm the ass!!
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! LOOK AT ME!!

Now let's all debate about why this dude made up an imaginary girlfriend for himself...

-(bit relieved, not really embarassed) Anubis

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 07:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Err...
Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

Maybe because he knew he had no chance of making one in the REAL world!

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 16:12 GMT

Daniel Bishop  Account Info
(Web Page)

Look at this e-mail I got from "Laura," five days after her "death."

From: "Laura Thompson" <lthompson82@hotmail.com>
To: danb2k@hotmail.com
Subject: Re:
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2000 11:46:26 MDT

No I won't respond, I am quite dead, and rather mad at Akira of HLC.

Yes, I'm really dead, will I go back to ticalc.org, no I'm dead.

Reply to this comment    6 July 2000, 21:51 GMT

Paulo Marques  Account Info

One word: LOL (ok, it's not word, SUE ME!)

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 00:09 GMT

Laura Thompson  Account Info

No I'm not dead, I'm simply returning to the nothingness from which I came. Joke's on you!


Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 00:13 GMT

Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

Some people. That's just heartless.


Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 00:29 GMT

TheWog Account Info
(Web Page)

"But I don't want to go on the cart"

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 02:07 GMT

Atlantean_Guard  Account Info

What do you mean by "the cart"?

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 04:42 GMT

Re: Cart?
TheWog Account Info
(Web Page)

Dude, it's a quote from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"

"Listen! You can't expect to weild supreme excetutive power, just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

Reply to this comment    7 July 2000, 18:09 GMT

Re: Re: Cart?

But I'm not dead yet!!! Yes you are, now get on the cart!

Reply to this comment    9 July 2000, 22:13 GMT

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