Less than a month
1-6 months
7-11 months
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-10 years
More than 10 years
I've never used a graphing calculator
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
Travis Evans
Generally, each time I've gotten a new calculator, it quickly became my main one, and I no longer used the older ones much. (Nowadays, there's an exception, where I currently use both my TI-89t and HP 50g often.) So the breakdown becomes:
TI-81: A few months to a year?
TI-82: About a year or two
TI-85, TI-86: About three years each
TI-89, TI-89t: About 5–6 years each
So the winner will soon (if not already) be my 89t, since I use it more than my old, battered 89.
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11 August 2012, 16:03 GMT
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
Chris Smith
I only ever use one calculator at a time. I've hoarded all the old ones though. I've used the following extensively:
Casio FX-4000P 1986-1993 - 7 years (at school). Not graphing but worth a mention.
TI-82 1993-1997 - 4 years.
TI-86 1997-2011 - 14 years
TI Nspire CAS 2011-now
Also use a TI-92 (not plus!) on and off that someone gave me but I just can't get on with it as you really have to lug the manual around.
I've spent less than a new TI-84 on all of the above together.
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16 August 2012, 21:32 GMT
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
Deep Thought
(Web Page)
TI-83 Plus, 2007–present
Casio PRIZM, 2012–present
TI-84, 2012–present
TI-Nspire CX CAS, 2012–present
My TI-83 Plus has three kids. One of them is adopted.
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31 August 2012, 04:27 GMT
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
darl 181
84pbe 2009-2012
-lasted through a few years of heavy use (2009?-2012), now even setting it down makes some power connection inside the case fail and crashes it x.x
9750gii/9860gii 2010-2011
-used for math, equation solver & co.
-also eventually for a faster-running FPS :P
Prizm 2011-Current
CX 2012-Current
-learning C for these
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25 September 2012, 02:38 GMT
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
(Web Page)
Used a TI-85 for all of last year in school and this year I'm using a TI-86 I picked up. Also have a TI-83+ but that and the TI-85 I use as loan outs for now, people seem to want an iPhone over a calculator (and I would rather the 1-3 TI-89s or maybe even HP 50Gs for the same price).
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31 October 2012, 01:00 GMT
Re: What's the longest you've used a particular graphing calculator on a regular basis?
I just got my TI-84 in june but I love it and can't be taken away from it
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8 December 2012, 20:26 GMT