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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Choice Votes   Percent
3-02 National Reading Day (US) 2 1.6%   
3-05 World Maths Day 2 1.6%   
3-07 Teacher's Day (Albania) 1 0.8%   
3-08 International Women's Day 2 1.6%   
3-14 Pi Day 69 56.6%   
3-15 Idus Martiae 3 2.5%   
3-17 Saint Patrick's Day 12 9.8%   
3-21 Vernal Eqinox 7 5.7%   
3-23 Easter 24 19.7%   

Survey posted 2008-03-12 21:00 by Astrid.

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Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Aaron Miller  Account Info

Have you noticed how neglected Reading Day is? :( Nobody reads apparently... (I still voted for Pi day, because it's a good excuse to eat pie. :) )

Reply to this comment    17 March 2008, 22:59 GMT

j-z-d Account Info

I know! Even though I voted for Pi, I still love to read.

Reply to this comment    20 March 2008, 13:50 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

I like reading, but Easter I would like more.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2008, 00:33 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

"i read alot more than i used to (a Year ago)"

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:53 GMT

Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
simon zack  Account Info

Hmm, international women's day, wonder who voted for that
might it be some girl? :P

Reply to this comment    27 March 2008, 05:16 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Super_Speler  Account Info

Or just someone who likes women...

Reply to this comment    5 April 2008, 22:01 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Astrid Smith Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, there's nothing wrong with women.

Reply to this comment    20 April 2008, 01:29 GMT

Too Long?
Michael Ride  Account Info

Hey! It isn't March anymore! Can we have a new poll, please?

Reply to this comment    8 April 2008, 21:15 GMT

Re: Too Long?
lifeiscalc Account Info

Yeah, it is May. This is as bit old.

Reply to this comment    4 May 2008, 12:36 GMT

Re: Re: Too Long?
Michael Ride  Account Info

Besides this, there has been no new files in almost a month. Does it really take that long? A few people spending one or two hours on the weekend could ensure new releases. Of course, I am aware that new files are not the only thing ticalc has to do.

Reply to this comment    4 May 2008, 20:46 GMT

Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Jeremiah Walgren  Account Info
(Web Page)

It just so happens that my parent's anniversary is on Pi Day. Funny thing was my mom commented about that the other day, roughly three or four years after I told her about it... Amazing memory, if I do say so myself.

Reply to this comment    17 April 2008, 14:47 GMT

Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

Voted Easter because of my Christian faith.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2008, 00:08 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

"im a Christian too buti wouldnt have voted for pi day or easter; just cause i like to be the odd one out"..."i like matts idea about putting quotes around what i say that way before i get an accound others can distinguish speeking of matt he's somewhat crazy just thought id let you guys know (crazy isnt nessesarily an insult arround me and my freinds but its not a complement either)

Reply to this comment    29 August 2009, 00:02 GMT

Xeno_Cre8or Account Info


Reply to this comment    29 August 2009, 00:04 GMT
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