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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Choice Votes   Percent
Game with amazing graphics 13 17.3%   
Game with amazing story/gameplay 22 29.3%   
Useful application (original) 19 25.3%   
Useful application (improvement) 7 9.3%   
Hardware project 10 13.3%   
WFRNG 2 4 5.3%   

Survey posted 2008-02-18 01:01 by Astrid.

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Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
AJLitzau13  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have a suggestion that would surely be a hit: Sonic the Hedgehog. Click the link.

Reply to this comment    22 February 2008, 05:41 GMT

Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
AJLitzau13  Account Info

You have to go to Forums -> Sonic

...or try this link...


Reply to this comment    22 February 2008, 05:47 GMT

Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Eric Shotwell  Account Info
(Web Page)

What I'd like to see, is a really long and fleshed-out RPG. Not concerned with it being anything new graphics-wise or programming-wise or whatnot, just taking the time that might otherwise have been spent on that and putting it into length and such.

I really enjoyed Joltima and Dying Eyes for TI-86 back when I'd originally played them, and I'd like to see more stuff like that.
(As a side note, it's possible I've missed some other stuff like that, for 86 or 89, which already exists and which I haven't played. Suggestions welcomed).

Reply to this comment    22 February 2008, 21:11 GMT

Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Ranman  Account Info
(Web Page)

You just might enjoy playing Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny on your 68K calc (see the link).

Reply to this comment    23 February 2008, 00:23 GMT

Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Kevin Ouellet Account Info
(Web Page)

I did a whole lot of long/complete RPGs years ago. One have like 9 characters, each with their own battle commands and stats and you can form a team of 3 party members while riding the airship, and there's lot of other features as well and 25 hours of gameplay.

The only problem is that they were made back when the ressources for BASIC programmers were extremly limited so they're slow and doesn't have very good graphics most of the time

Reply to this comment    24 February 2008, 00:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
mariomaniac84 Account Info

Yeah, I prefer good graphics over anything else, personally. I'm not exactly entertained by something that may be a decent idea, but does a poor job displaying it.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2008, 05:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Eric Shotwell  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nifty, thanks to both of you. I'll definitely check all that out.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2008, 14:16 GMT

Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
ninjageek Account Info

I'd like to see someone completely re-built the ti-83/84+ OS to use all of the RAM/Archive, not just part of it. then we can make in-depth game like Supreme Commander for the 83+

Reply to this comment    28 February 2008, 18:52 GMT

Re: Re: What type of blockbuster program do you want to see next?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

do you mean the SEs? because the regular pluses actually have 24k.

Reply to this comment    15 September 2009, 15:23 GMT
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