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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Choice Votes   Percent
Very. I need people like Nick and Steve to guide me. 258 63.9%   
I do not know: I just downloaded from the archives. 131 32.4%   
Never. I do not look at news items. 10 2.5%   
I have news turned off on my custom page. 5 1.2%   

Survey posted 2000-05-26 23:49 by Andy.

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Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Kinda late for a new survey.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 00:26 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

Andy was on vacation in New York for a week. :(


Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 01:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh. I see.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 01:21 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

Better late than never.

Reply to this comment    30 May 2000, 22:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, true. I couldn't tell you what I actually meant for a long time, because this thread was kind of 'blocked' by all the multilangual (sp?) posts. But I meant that the ZShell survey had been up way too long.

Reply to this comment    1 June 2000, 03:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Free_Bird Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree, especially when Nick posted an explanation of ZShell right next to it...

Reply to this comment    1 June 2000, 08:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Daniel Bishop  Account Info

The ironic thing is that the proportion of no votes INCREASED after Nick posted that explanation.

Reply to this comment    3 June 2000, 03:56 GMT

That's kind of a limited survey!
MarkHazard  Account Info

That survey was kinda extreme in the answers don't ya think? I use the news _reponses_ to decide which to download. It pretty easy to know if a file is worth the time because usually people either rave or complain. Compatability is usually discussed too. You should have a choice for that too!

Mark Hazard

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 00:49 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Onyahoshimeeka  Account Info
(Web Page)

I just look at the new items for the day and download the ones that I use or that look interesting/promising.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 01:27 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

There should be more options in this poll than we have now. I look at every news item, since I go to this site every day. I'm even notified when it has a small change, and even caught it down once.


Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 03:37 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Mike Dennis  Account Info
(Web Page)

I usually already know about the files that I am interested in, and I ususally have played them for a while before they are ever here.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 04:16 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
EV9D93  Account Info
(Web Page)

I use the allfile thing and dl all of the files in the folder, then test most, and new stuff that looks neat, or that the news says is good.

On the topic of downloading..
I think the allfiles zip in each folder should be named something like 89agms or something so that when i dl 2 of them in a row the second doesnt overwrite the first.
Also I wish you could change between alphabeticle and by date to view them so if i am gone for a week I can see all the recent files.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 05:32 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Paul Froissart  Account Info
(Web Page)

I find news item posted on ticalc.org *very* personal... In fact, a site hosted at ticalc.org can post a horrible program, there will be a news item. But an immense programmer (eg Blue_Z, the author of BigDyna) can make a very well-done, fun, etc... program, he won't have a single news item!

That's why I go to TI-Fr for the news (which are much more rationnally posted)...

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 15:59 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, but they are kind of hard to read sometimes.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 17:38 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Jason Ho  Account Info
(Web Page)

Not to mention that there are really good programs out there that are not featured, and are better than some that are featured.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 20:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info

Extremely true. Take for example Tanks v0.52. Very nicely written, and has 1-player as well as 2 (Worms does not.) Another example is Kwirk, a very challenging puzzle game. But Nick can't view every one, i suppose... there's usually 23 or so every day.

Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 05:04 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Paul Schippnick  Account Info
(Web Page)

A little. But that choice was not in the survey.

I guess some questions are just left off to get discussion.

Reply to this comment    27 May 2000, 18:00 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info

Well, there's no choice for what i do.
First I look to see if there is anything for my calc in the recent section.(89) If so, i check for what files seem interesting. Then, i check for basic or ASM. If it's basic, i only download it if it looks REALLY good... most basic games are much lacking. Then, i read the text file that accompanies it. If i see things like "buggy" or "may crash" i avoid it. I also check for flagrant and frequent spelling or grammatical errors that denote possible idiocy in the programmer. I also avoid things that say "beta" or "alpha" or "demo".. these tend to be extremely buggy and not very fun. By this time i've pretty much got it down to a good selection. So i download the file and play it. If it sucks, i delete it. Although if it's in a feature i usually give it a go because Nick thinks it's good enough to put it in the spotlight. And anyone who actually read this whole thing has way too much free time.


Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 04:43 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info

As you can tell, i don't like capitalizing the letter 'i'. After reviewing this, i thought it was quite funny, after the comment about poor spelling and grammar. I once read this book about handwriting. It said that "poor spelling or abscence of handwriting -->rythm<-- could detect dishonesty or possible sexual deviance. About 3 people had written comments here, as this was a library book. Sorry about the super-sized post (again)

Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 04:52 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?

Wow. I case you care, that is EXACTLY what I do. In that same exact order. I find that disturbing in some way. ;-)

Dark Ninja

Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 05:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info
(Web Page)

That is somewhat odd, but it does make some sense. Although i'm not sure that anyone who thinks like i do should be too eager to admit it ;)


Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 05:47 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?

Well, I read this, and i totally agree. I have an 86 and I only download the programs if the descriptions are good, and they sound neat.

Reply to this comment    28 May 2000, 20:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
kennethdj69  Account Info

so do i.

Reply to this comment    4 June 2000, 01:29 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?

What about math programs? ;-)

Reply to this comment    1 June 2000, 05:07 GMT

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