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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, that's the only reason why I got it...but I have no regrets! 58 32.8%   
Yes, but I was going to buy one anyway 32 18.1%   
Yes, but I don't use it outside of class or work 2 1.1%   
No, I got my calculator because I wanted it 51 28.8%   
No, I don't go to classes or have a job 0 0.0%   
No, I got my calculator as a gift 12 6.8%   
No, I bought my calculator instead of a GameBoy/PSP/DS 8 4.5%   
I don't fit into any of those categories / I feel like messing with the results of this survey 14 7.9%   

Survey posted 2006-04-09 07:43 by Jon.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
peterthegreat  Account Info

Some people actually said they got their calculator instead of a Gameboy? To get my feelings out, THAT'S REALLY LAME!

By the way, I got a TI-89 as a gift when I was in fifth grade (!). I found it extremely entertaining finding out how much my calculator could really do as I progressed through junior high and entered high school math.

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 16:48 GMT

Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
something1990 Account Info

I wonder if the people who received their calculators as a gift received them on Christmas, on their birthday, or just for doing well in class. If you get a calculator instead of a PSP or DS as a gift, then that really is lame, unless of course if that person already had a PSP or DS.

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 17:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Num Account Info

Really? I'd prefer a V200 or 89T much more than a PSP/DS!

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 19:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Definitely - same here!

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 21:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Sam Van Kooten  Account Info


Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 22:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Victor Gonyo  Account Info

double *gasp*!!

Reply to this comment    15 April 2006, 01:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
lifeiscalc Account Info

I haven't played my gameboy advance once since I got my ti-89 titanium, and especially since I got my ti-89 and ti-82. The games for calculators are better and I can play them during math class :)

Reply to this comment    10 April 2006, 11:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
something1990 Account Info

LOL yeah right! If you mean they are better because they are cheaper, then yes you are right. However, if you meant otherwise, then the only GBA games you have played were one of those Nintendo Classics they make like the original Legend of Zelda.

Reply to this comment    14 April 2006, 13:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Victor Gonyo  Account Info

one question......
who in their right mind would:

a) buy a CALCULATOR over a GBA or PSP or PS2 or XBOX or PC
b) never play another game system after (granted) you buy a calculator??
c) meld your life around the claculator just to seem "cool"

Reply to this comment    15 April 2006, 18:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, that's 3 questions. ;-)

a. No one ever mentioned buying a calc instead of a PC...
b. What if you don't feel like spending $300 on an Xbox or PS2 and really like a lot of calc games (like me)?
c. No, no, you've got it backwards. Calculators are very UNcool to normal people. That's part of the attraction, although we mostly like calculators because of what we can do with them, not because of our "image".

Reply to this comment    16 April 2006, 13:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
gondorf Account Info

i agree fully

Reply to this comment    16 April 2006, 13:36 GMT

Person Dude  Account Info

I answered the last one. I got mine as a gift this last summer because I would need it in about 2 years, and I sure am glad I did!

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 18:57 GMT

Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Kaaiman  Account Info

I had to buy my first calc for class (TI-83 Plus), but that was just one year before the TI-84 Plus came out. So I bought a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition just because I want(ed) it.

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 20:53 GMT

Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Ranman  Account Info

I bought my TI-92+ and TI-89 calcs specifically for writing programs in 68K assembly and in the C language. And as a side benefit, I used them for math classes.

Thank you to all of the guys that have helped with the development of TIGCC for our 68K calcs.

I hope to see something as powerful, integrated, and user-friendly as TIGCC for our Z80 counterparts!

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 22:06 GMT

Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Snave2000  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, as part of the BZC project, I can say that "BASIC ASM" (the new language we've developed) is an excellent option for Z80 programming. If anyone is interested in a language easier to learn than native ASM, but with its same power and capabilities, try out BZC (see URL).

Reply to this comment    9 April 2006, 23:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
KermMartian  Account Info
(Web Page)

We have been discussing this on Cemetech and wanted to talk to you guys about it. http://www.cemetech.net/forum

Reply to this comment    10 April 2006, 12:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
something1990 Account Info

Once BZC is fully developped, I'm preety sure it will be THE language to learn for calcs. I think it will be much easier to learn than C.

Reply to this comment    15 April 2006, 21:01 GMT

Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Gamer13  Account Info
(Web Page)

I purchased my TI-83 Plus in 7th grade for algebra. I didn't really need it though because there was a class set but I wanted one. My 89 Titanium I bought last year in 9th grade for AP Calculus just because it made life easier in calculus. (If you're wondering how i did algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and precalculus in two years, I didn't feel like waiting for my classes catch up to me, I just tested out of classes.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2006, 01:06 GMT

Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
primal Account Info


Reply to this comment    10 April 2006, 02:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
Matt Gardeski  Account Info


Reply to this comment    13 April 2006, 20:29 GMT

Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's a lot of classes to finish in 2 years...

Reply to this comment    10 April 2006, 14:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

I finished Geometry, Algebra 2, Trig, Probability and Statistics, Advanced Algebra, and Pre calc in 2 years :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2006, 22:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
something1990 Account Info

Yeah Geometry and Algebra have to be the easiest math subjects, trig is basically Geometry and Algebra put together with a focus on triangles, PreCalc is a combination of all previous subjects, and Probability/Statistics is just that, Probability/Statistics. It's not too hard people.

Reply to this comment    15 April 2006, 22:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
something1990 Account Info

That's not a lot of classes. If you had been reading his post properly, he tested out of them. He didn't have to take the classes.

Reply to this comment    16 April 2006, 12:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you purchase your TI calculator because you were required to for a class or job?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh yeah, I wonder how I missed that the first time...

Reply to this comment    16 April 2006, 13:21 GMT

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