My calculator
My portable game system (GameBoy, PSP, etc.)
I can't decide, so I'll say both!
I don't play games on either
What's a game? Is it like doing work?
Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
Peter Fernandes
(Web Page)
What about Game Gear? That still remains one of my favorites! Anyway, I'm usually too busy programming in math class to play games.
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17 August 2005, 13:37 GMT
Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
Andy Janata
(Web Page)
I *prefer* to play on my old-school GameBoy pocket (I have the [broken] guts of a REALLY old-school GameBoy sitting around somewhere), but I do play on my 89T, and to a lesser extent, 83+, much more often.
Actually, come to think of it, where's the My Cellphone option, you insensitive clod. ;P j/k j/k though I do play tetris (IN COLOR) on it quite a bit. :D And I don't really think a laptop would quite qualify as hand-held, as I can't really hold it in my hands when I'm playing on it.
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17 August 2005, 13:39 GMT
Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
I love to play on my beloved Nintendo DS...
ALthough... DS does nothing but play good games...
PSP does everything but play good games...
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17 August 2005, 14:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
Nintendo DS can't do squat... The NDS is purely a gaming machine, and, until the release of Play-Yan Audio-Video Player in the U.S. or a possible Palm-based organizer... It will never be able to do anything...
Anything, that is, except play extremely popular 1st-party franchises, innovative games, and fun new takes on old concepts...
PSP does everything... It can emulate Windows and Linux... Obviously it can emulate NES, SNES, PSOne... Eventaully it might even be able to emulate NINTENDO DS ITSELF. The thing can go on the internet... You can IM people... You can mod or hack it do do just about anything...
Anything, that is, except play extremely popular 1st-party franchises, innovative games, and fun new takes on old concepts...
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27 August 2005, 21:47 GMT
Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
Andy Dang
(Web Page)
I go through a lot of school and home work, and my TI-89 Titanium is always there so I say calculator.
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17 August 2005, 17:48 GMT
Re: Which handheld device do you prefer playing games on?
Travis Evans
Which one I prefer depends on my mood. I don't play video games that often anymore, but occasionally, I'll start playing them a lot and really enjoy it.
My only handheld game device [besides calculators, which are much more than that ;) ] is a Gameboy Color. The Gamebody Advances are nice, but I don't feel that I play often enough to justify spending the money.
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17 August 2005, 19:01 GMT
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