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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say "yes?"
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes! It's one of my lifelong dreams! 25 16.0%   
Yes, it would be awesome! 64 41.0%   
Maybe, I'm a busy person, it would have to fit into my schedule. 31 19.9%   
No, I'm too shy. 19 12.2%   
No, I'm busy being interviewed for my biography. 5 3.2%   
Wait a second, there's a ticalc.org newsletter? 12 7.7%   

Survey posted 2005-04-05 05:17 by Jon.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
redsoxfan Account Info

this is way off topic, but could someone tell me what the 3-D function for the graph on the TICalc.org header is?

Reply to this comment    6 April 2005, 14:55 GMT

Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
elfprince13 Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm not sure, but it looks like a TI-89 screen superimposed on a TI-83... Maybe thats just me though

Reply to this comment    6 April 2005, 15:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

You can e-mail TI, and they will respond within the next 24 hours. I did that myself about a year ago :)

Reply to this comment    7 April 2005, 02:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
elfprince13 Account Info
(Web Page)

really? I've heard they have a really slow response time

Reply to this comment    7 April 2005, 13:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

No...That is most definantly a ti89.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2005, 02:37 GMT

Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
Kevin Ouellet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Do we need to subscribe to the mailing lists (which are down at the moment) to get interviewed?

If I have some time I might like an interview, altough it would be very long with e-mails because I dont check my e-mail box every day and I am busy working on my BASIC metroid game (dont worry this is not menu-based and I will never upload any menu-based games on ticalc.org) and I have a job too :p

Reply to this comment    6 April 2005, 17:08 GMT

Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
Travis Evans  Account Info

How do they choose interviewees? Do they just pick people randomly or do they choose people that have had some major impact?

Reply to this comment    6 April 2005, 20:06 GMT

Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

From what I have seen, usually it's the latter.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2005, 02:02 GMT

Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Sample newsletter:
Jon: So, ________ what languages do you program in?
___: Well, I just joined yesterday.
Jon: Oh.
___: how do u git the gamzs on ze calcoolaters?
Jon: Forget it...

Reply to this comment    7 April 2005, 21:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

120d//!! Let's hope it doesn't come to that...

Reply to this comment    8 April 2005, 16:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)

He's got over half the ID number you have???

Reply to this comment    9 April 2005, 20:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Bah! Since when does your ID number determine how much of a geek you are?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2005, 17:32 GMT

Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
Christophe Molon-Noblot  Account Info
(Web Page)

why not, but errr... 'why' too :D

Reply to this comment    6 April 2005, 23:20 GMT

Re: If you were asked to be interviewed for the ticalc.org newsletter, would you say yes?
jeremysimpkins  Account Info

ok, i'll try again: i voted i'm too shy because i have social anxiety disorder (i don't believe that's a violation of anything) because i'm afraid of embarassing my self

Reply to this comment    8 April 2005, 02:06 GMT
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