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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
Choice Votes   Percent
$0-$25 32 19.5%   
$26-$75 15 9.1%   
$76-$150 15 9.1%   
$151-$300 3 1.8%   
$301-$1000 3 1.8%   
$1000+ 12 7.3%   
I don't have an Ebay account 38 23.2%   
I wouldn't bid on it, even though it's autographed 46 28.0%   

Survey posted 2005-01-17 21:32 by Jon.

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Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
coinmanz  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd actually give $100-$120 if it came with a custom edition of ZShell, and the Zshell Dev Kit on floppy :-)

Reply to this comment    18 January 2005, 23:49 GMT

Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
Coolv  Account Info
(Web Page)

Floppy? You mean Blu-ray DVD, don't you?

Or holographic memory?

I am confused.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 03:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

Floppies are still useful. Let's say you're computer is 10 years old and can't boot from a CD.

At this point in time, floppy disks are about as useless as Yugos. It's faster, cheaper, and smarted to burn a CD ($.10 CD vs. $.50 disk). My new computer (Windows XP, and have you) didn't even come with a FD.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 16:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
Exbzurg Account Info

you hurt my old computer's feelings. please apologize or the consquences will be severe(we will instal windows xp without virus protection!).

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 20:06 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Not a good idea...in 5 minutes it will be a zombie.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 22:44 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

I ran XP for quite some time with no virus protection or firewall, & did not get any viruses, worms, or other such bad things. In fact, I only ever got 1 virus on 1 of my other computers, & that was from a floppy disk.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2005, 02:05 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Did you plug it into the internet without it? I think the 5 min. rule only applies to new computers.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 01:22 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

I was indeed connected to the internet via cable during the aforementioned period, & my computer was at the beginning of said period brand new.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 02:10 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, I guess it doesn't happen every time. But that still leaves the question of why you'd have a Windows computer connected to the internet without any protection!

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 23:05 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

Mainly because I have not had trouble in the past, so I do not expect to have trouble in the future. I only installed antivirus software because XP SP2's "Security Center" kept bugging me about it. At least my Z80-based computer I am building is immune to viruses. :)

Reply to this comment    22 January 2005, 00:26 GMT

Re: Re: [ ! ]
BlackThunder  Account Info
(Web Page)

It boggles the mind as to how a computer can be not immune to viruses transmitted via the 'net.

Reply to this comment    22 January 2005, 03:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
burntfuse  Account Info

Still, you can use floppies over and over, and most of the cheap CDs are CD-Rs. Even if it's cheaper than buying a floppy, it's a waste to burn a CD that you're only going to use once.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2005, 19:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

I definitely agree. CD-RW's are still (I believe) a bit more expensive. However, I now use CompactFlash cards because they hold more than floppies (& some hold more than CD's) (& my camera uses them (& they can be used as a hard drive (& yes, I do program in LISP sometimes (& strangely enough, I once turned in a paper for AP Language that used multiple levels of parentheses like this & got an A+)))).

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 01:19 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've got a little 256mb USB flash drive. I love it, because I can plug it into any of the computers at my school (running WinXP) and load it with junk. It works WAY better than crappy floppies!

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 01:27 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
Andree Chea  Account Info

I agree! They are incredibly useful (like the time I had to d/l a 50+ MB file from school to use at my home computer). There is no way I would even dream of carrying 36+ floppies around with me :)

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 23:09 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

How would you? You can't split a file into pieces.

Reply to this comment    23 January 2005, 01:25 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
TheCalcGenius  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, I suggest you look at the link. I found this about a year back on TechTV (before it merged with G4 and became a really bad tech channel), but I have never tested it. If you do try it, tell me how it goes.

Reply to this comment    23 January 2005, 04:29 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
burntfuse  Account Info

If you create a .zip file directly on a floppy using WinZip (I don't know about other programs), you can have it span multiple disks. I've done it before.

Reply to this comment    23 January 2005, 19:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
burntfuse  Account Info

Yes, flash cards of any type are definitely the best solution overall. I just meant that floppies are still worth having if you don't own anything else but CD-Rs (like me).

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 20:07 GMT

Re: How much would you pay for Magnus's original 85 if it went up on Ebay?
bILLY_bOB1029  Account Info

100th person to vote!

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 21:51 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

So? Nobody cares. It's just like the 'first post' deal (which is not allowed, BTW).

Reply to this comment    19 January 2005, 22:46 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
Coolv  Account Info
(Web Page)

BTW, I was the first!

Reply to this comment    20 January 2005, 02:26 GMT

Re: Re: [ ! ]
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

It seems your "first vote" post has survived for nearly a day. Then again, it only condemns "first comment," not first vote.

Reply to this comment    21 January 2005, 01:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: [ ! ]
Coolv  Account Info
(Web Page)

...I was finished with MY site and I opened the minimized TICALC window and clicked refresh...

What do you know, there is a new poll with 0 votes and 2 posts! :P

Reply to this comment    22 January 2005, 20:33 GMT

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