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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Choice Votes   Percent
1 94 86.2%   
2 2 1.8%   
3 2 1.8%   
4 1 0.9%   
More than 4 10 9.2%   

Survey posted 2005-01-01 17:01 by Jon.

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Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Nikky Southerland  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know I'll buy at least one.
Probably a 83+SE (because the 84's look less than...good, to put it lightly), if I can find one. Possibly a hp-49g+ or TI-85. It really depends on my mood.

Reply to this comment    1 January 2005, 20:15 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

I've gotta agree that the 83+SE looks very cool, but (if you can afford it of course), I'd still go with the 84+SE. No sense buying a "lesser" calc purely because of it looks...
Or you could buy both an 83+SE and an 84+SE, then put the 84 hardware in the case of the 83. Now you have a cool-looking calc which behaves as an 84!! IIRC Michael (I bet you can guess his last name :p ) did something similar by putting an 83+SE in the case of an 83+. (Hmm, maybe I should copy-paste that remark about "if you can afford it" to another paragraph...)

Reply to this comment    2 January 2005, 23:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Or...even better. Put an 89 in an 83+se or 89TI in an 84+SE so that you can use it even with the freakin' strict teachers (if it's possible....)!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 21:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
burntfuse  Account Info

Hmm...the layout's probably different enough to make it impossible...on the other hand, the inside of my 83+ looked very similar to the inside of my 86...

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 22:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
RJ Larimore  Account Info
(Web Page)

mine had a makeup kit in it, but i removed it and put in some 20 inch subs and disco karaoke set. than me and my homies had a tailgate party in my neighbors backyard. everyone brought their 83s but all of em agreed mine was best. has ne1 seen napolean dynamite, its so flippin funny, in a weird way. *_*

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heck yeah!

Reply to this comment    7 January 2005, 23:23 GMT

Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
TI_fan Account Info
(Web Page)

What about "0"?!!

My parents are getting tired of buying batteries.

Reply to this comment    1 January 2005, 20:42 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Nikky Southerland  Account Info
(Web Page)

Get rechargeable batteries, stop playing ASM games constantly and pay attention to class (and use your calculator for what it was made for), or plug in your calc directly into your local 220v outlet.

Reply to this comment    1 January 2005, 22:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Too easy...hmmm...there's got to be a better way...*ponders*

Reply to this comment    2 January 2005, 00:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
RJ Larimore  Account Info
(Web Page)

how sad... why r u even here, this site is like all about the games o*_*o

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 22:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

"plug in your calc directly into your local 220v outlet"
How? I've been looking for a way to do that forever! Is there some kind of adaptor that replaces the batteries? That'd be sweet! I'd like one for my 49g+ (only 3 AAA's) so that the 70 whatever MHz processor doesn't eat the batteries so quickly!

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 21:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
jessef  Account Info
(Web Page)

click the link it tells how to power your calc from AA batteries and the wall. ticalc has a link to this site just click on hardwhere->other->power extentions

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 22:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
burntfuse  Account Info

I think he meant DIRECTLY, frying the electronics. :-)

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 22:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've often wondered if this was possible as well.

Reply to this comment    5 January 2005, 19:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yea, if there was some sort of adaptor that had, at one end, a plug that goes into the wall, and at the other end, something that would fit into the four battery compartment of the calculator that acts in the same manner as a battery would...however, now that I think of it, it may be a bit more complex then it seems, as wall outlets are AC, and batteries are DC...Although there are AC->DC convertors...hmm....HONOR'S PROJECT!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 22:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
burntfuse  Account Info

Easy! A transformer, bridge rectifier, then regulator. I've made fake batteries for just that purpose before - cut a piece of wooden dowel to the right length, and attach some aluminum to the ends and stick wires behind them.

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 23:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

OK, if I knew where the nearest bridge...rectum?...store was...uhhh....I'll just stop now

Reply to this comment    8 January 2005, 07:07 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Radioshack probably has it (whatever it is).

Reply to this comment    10 January 2005, 00:30 GMT

Re: [ ! ]
blauggh Account Info

You need 4 diodes in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. You send the two AC voltages on two opposite corners, and you'll get a 'abs(cos(120*pi*t))' waveform on the other side. From there, a copule of capacitors to smooth out the ripple, and a regulator to give you the correct value, and you've got yourself a clean DC signal.

And yes, Radioshack does typically sell the bridge rectifier as a discrete item.

Reply to this comment    10 January 2005, 04:01 GMT

[ ! ]
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

They have *almost* everything electronic.

Reply to this comment    10 January 2005, 23:04 GMT

Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
takuanitromars36 Account Info

My dad has signed a contract with me saying that if I get a 4.0 GPA the entire year, he'll get me an 89T this June. So, it's one guaranteed calculator in 2005.

Reply to this comment    2 January 2005, 02:00 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
burntfuse  Account Info

!!! You've got really nice parents.

Reply to this comment    2 January 2005, 21:38 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

I'm not from the USA, didn't an 4.0 GPA mean that you've made all your tests without a single error?

Reply to this comment    2 January 2005, 23:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
blauggh Account Info

Generally, a 4.0 corresponds to a result of straight A's.

In Canada, the teachers have discression about exactly what percent grade will correspond to a letter-grade, so long as they apply the rule consistently for every class they teach. The threshold has generally been >= 87% for an A- and >90% for an A.

Then, for every A you get, it contributes a 4.0 to your running average GPA. For every A- you get, it contributes a 3.7.

At some institutions, A+ can actually contribute a larger portion to a GPA -- 4.3. A+ generally is awarded for a mark >95%. But, I've seen the threshold for A+ as low as 90%. Typically for courses in which the instructor knows that the material is insanely difficult.

So, the highest possible GPA you can get is either 4.3 or 4.0 (depending on where you are). A GPA between 4.0 and 4.3 indicates an average mark somewhere between an A and an A+ (generally between 95% and 100%) and a GPA between 3.7 and 4.0 means an average mark between an A- and an A+. I really don't know what happens below there; I've never had to look it up...

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 00:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

Where I go to school, an A is above a 92. A B is between 83 and 91, a C is a 78 to 82, a D is 68 to 78, and an F is below 68.

You get a 4.0 for getting an A, a 3.0 for getting a B, a 2.0 for a C, and a 1.0 for a D (None for an F). If you are taking an accelerated class (Accelerated English 1, Accelerated History 1 or 2, etc.), 0.5 is added to your GPA in that class. If you are taking an Advanced Placement class, you get 1.0 added to your GPA. The highest you can get for one class is a 5.0, and if you take all the accelerated and advanced placement courses throughout highschool, you can get a 4.6 GPA.

...But then again, Mississippi is weird when education is involved :-P

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 04:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

So, all over the US you first calculate which percentage of the questions you got correct, slap a letter on it, and then continue to convert to yet another scale. To top it all off, you claim Mississippi is weird simply because they calibrate their scale differently..??
I always thought it must be hell to go to school in the US because of your weird way of measuring stuff, but I guess there are worse things...
(Just for the record, this is partly a joke, partly honest astonishment. I didn't intend this post to be flamebait though.)

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 14:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, it's not that simple. Grades usually arent based just on the tests. Most classes I've taken in high school have the tests only making up about 30% of your grade, with homework and participation and other easier stuff making the rest. But regardless, a 4.0 or higher is an accomplishment.

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 06:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

In college, every teacher grades differently...they give you a "syllabus" telling you how grading will work, and what is required for an A, B, C, etc. Then on the report card, you get the GPA...all averaged together and multiplied by the number of credit hours (usually about 4 per class) taken that semester, and averaged into your total. Yes, that's pretty complicated, but it's a pretty good system if you ask me...although, I wish that a 91% = 3.1 gpa, 100% = 4.0 GPA etc...then it would be a bit more accurate. However, then I wouldn't have a 4.0....

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
saitei Account Info

Can't argue there, I should know. :P

I had to put up with that through High School (and Middle school ... yes, middle school. Another MS quirk. Ironically enough, my middle school was Petal Middle School...I'll let you abbreviate yourself.) Luckily now that I'm in college, we've got a "standard"(?) 10-point grading scale.

(PS: Where in MS? Maybe we're nearby)

Oh, and I haven't voted yet, because I'm not sure what to answer. See, it says "How many calculators will *you* buy in 2005". I gotta wonder if that counts using the school's money? Sadly, they don't usually carry the really top-of-the-line calcs...they usually just have TI-83's and TI-86's. I don't think they're even 83+...But they also carry an assortment of non-graphing.

Wait, I had a point there...oh, right, what if I'm using someone else's (the school's) money? Does that still count?

<brag>I made a 30 on the ACT, so they give me near about all the money I need (for school)...I could buy a laptop if I wanted to...wait, I do! Sadly, I don't get it back in cash...</brag>

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 15:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

I bought my police car (haha yea its a police car) from Petal... I live in Meridian.

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 19:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
saitei Account Info

A police car? Why am I not surprised (about Petal, that is)?

Actually, considering Petal buys their police cars second-hand, I'm surprised it works. :P

Reply to this comment    5 January 2005, 04:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

It's pretty new.. an '02 Crown Victoria; Jet Black now.

Reply to this comment    5 January 2005, 05:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
CajunLuke  Account Info

A is 93-100, B is 86-92, C is 76-86, D is 69-75, F is <=68, in St. Charles Parish Schools, Louisiana, USA. In Honors and AP classes we get "Honors Points". 7 additional points if an A, 5 points if a B, and 3 points if a C.

So, if I get an 88% in an honors/AP class, I add 5 "Honors points" and a 93% shows up on the report card.

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 18:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's similar to the system I used in elementary school. For me, <90 is an A (A+'s and A-'s don't show up; the sign of the grade does not affect its value in one's GPA), [80,90) (yes, interval notation) is a B, [70,80) is a C, [60,70) is a D, and (-infinity,60) is an F.

Grades from honors or AP classes are weighted (i.e. an A in an AP or honors class contributes a 4.167 instead of a 4.0), meaning that it is theoretically possible to have a GPA of 5.0. I only have a lowly 4.667 because I can't have all honors classes :(

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 23:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

When I look at your scales, it seems that the "E" is missing. Is there a special reason for that? (Or do you just want to confuse me a little more? ;) )

Reply to this comment    5 January 2005, 16:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

I often wonder that myself. Why isn't there an "E" grade mark? Probably because "F" is the first letter in "Failed" and "E" is the first letter in "Excellent," and some people may actually think that an "E" on a transcript would be a good thing. Stupid, yes, but stupid people set the standard as to how information is recorded and read.

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 02:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Additionally, in Elementary School, the grading system for me was:
E = Excellent
I = Improving
N = Needs Improvement
*something else here I think*
Maybe they didn't want to "reuse" the E in the A-F Grade system?

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 22:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Umm... Yup Account Info
(Web Page)

Some places have an E letter grade...

Also, at my elementary school, the grades only went up to A, but teachers would still give A+. In fact, my 3rd grade teacher would give A+ if you got the answers right with not too many spelling errors, and occasionally A++, for very few or no spelling errors.

Of course, that's the same school that didn't allow whistling, because it might lower the self esteem of those who didn't know how to whistle.

Reply to this comment    8 January 2005, 03:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, in California public schools, and many private schools, the A range is 90-100, B is 80-89 etc. A- would be 90-92, A+ would be 97-100, and B- would be 80-82, B+ 87-100 etc. The GPA scale is otherwise the same. Then AP or Honors classes add a single point (1.0) to your GP for that class, which only adds a little to your overall GPA. Unless you get a D or F (failing), in which case you get no bonus point. And on top of that, some teachers even raise your regular letter grade in the class if you get a 4 or 5 on the AP, which is cool.

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 06:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

"B+ 87-100"
What?!?! Then how do you get an A??? Dang!!!!! gotta go to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 21:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah I know! It sucks! I've gotten 100% in every class I've ever taken in highschool, but I'm still stuck with a B+!

Reply to this comment    5 January 2005, 00:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

What, you mean you don't give all your work 110 percent? That's what my mom says to do with everything... ;)
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary, and those who don't.

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 22:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Old joke...
But isn't 01 = 2?

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 22:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
burntfuse  Account Info

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Sorry... No, it isn't. 01b = 1d

Reply to this comment    6 January 2005, 23:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

No, if 1b=2d, then what would 0d be in binary?

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
0, 1, 10, 11, 100, ...

Reply to this comment    7 January 2005, 22:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

sorry...meant 10b

Reply to this comment    8 January 2005, 07:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
jvdthwip Account Info

Where I go to school, A+ is a massive 98%, while an A has to be ~95, i think, ... an A- must be 93 or higher...

I hate hard scales... Maybe you and I have to same percentage, but you'll have an A, while I'll have a B... Then the GPA takes over, and I'm shown as a poorer student, while you are better, although we are the same... *is angry at system*

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 02:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

In my school system:

Except that for AP and magnet classes, A=5.0, B=4.0, etc.
This means that the more high school classes you take early (in middle school), the lower your GPA. It means that it is pretty much impossible for me to be valedictorian, even if I make straight As, because I took Algebra I and Geometry in middle school, getting 4 points for them, while people taking them in high school get 5.

Reply to this comment    8 January 2005, 01:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
blauggh Account Info

Interesting. The Honour Roll in my school was based on the percentage average, with a bonus for advances placement (we called it Honours) courses.

I think the bonus was about 5% or so, but it might have been something else, like a multiplicative factor of 1.10 or something like that... I really don't remember.

Of course, since then the school system in NS has gone down the tubes. They were afraid that the students in the 3xx-level classes (non-university bound students) would feel left out, so they were merged with the 4xx-level classes (university stream).

Then the issue popped up that the 5xx-level students (advanced placement) would start to feel elitist, so they were phased out.

Now, there is just (Subject_Name)-10, -11, and -12. In some schools, 10-X, 11-X and 12-X exist for students that need some 'remedial help' and 10-A, 11-A, 12-A exist for students that need more challenges.

Back in the day, Academic grade 12 math, Precalculus, and the first year or so of University Calculus was taught in a accelerated single full-year course, Math 541. You took 521 math in grade 10, 531 math in grade 11, and 541 math in grade 12. Back then, all the courses were full-year. Now, I think that only 'extra-challenging' English is offered as a full-year course. But then you have to give up a credit in the second semester to fit it in your schedule.

Nowadays, I think you have to take one semester of math in grade 10, and two semesters in each of grades 11 and 12 (five courses in all out of the 21-24 recommended total in your High School career) to get the same content. And students have been consistently averaging 45% or less on standardized tests since the reforms came into place.

Reply to this comment    10 January 2005, 04:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
tal_oz  Account Info

Yeah in my AP physics class an 83% is an A- but even that is insanly hard to get. and I believe a 87% is an A and 93% is an A+. and personally california which in educational standards is ranked like 48 out of the 50 states in the U.S.A is really sad. lol 48/50

Reply to this comment    7 January 2005, 15:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Haha I live in Georgia. We're 50th.

Reply to this comment    8 January 2005, 01:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I live in Arizona, and for Elementary schools WE are 50th...maybe georgia is for JH/HS/colleges, but in Elementary, AZ is the Winners of the Losers!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    9 January 2005, 06:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

It means (usually) a 90% or more in all your classes. Even an A- (a 90%) counts as a "perfect GPA"...I've kept a 4.0 for 64 credits (5 semesters, 4 classes each semester) at the community college I'm going to. My parents said they would pay for school if I kept it up...then I got a full ride scholarship so they just pay for my car insurance instead :P. That's how I was able to afford my laptop! Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    4 January 2005, 21:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Sorry...they pay for **most** of my car insurance....I still pay $65 a month

Reply to this comment    9 January 2005, 06:39 GMT

Re: Re: How many calculators will you buy in 2005?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Are you sure there's not a catch? Did you read the fine print?

Reply to this comment    3 January 2005, 04:05 GMT

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