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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Choice Votes   Percent
Computations 11 6.5%   
Algebra/Graphing 15 8.9%   
Calculus 17 10.1%   
Statistics 1 0.6%   
Science (Physics, Chemistry, etc.) 9 5.3%   
Programming 49 29.0%   
All of the above 58 34.3%   
Other (Please list below!) 9 5.3%   

Survey posted 2004-11-10 19:22 by Jon.

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Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Soth Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, mostly when I can't be bothered to do basic arithmetic, and when there is complicated stuff, that has lots and lots of long numbers that get used over and over again.
I also use it for writing basic scripts to solve problems (circuit design etc). - More powerful than AWR MW Office? well maybe - definitely easier.

Odd point, after noticing a new pinball agme for the 82. I haven't had ASM on my calc for over two years. Scarey to think about isn't it. Do loads of ASM coding, but all for PICS, nothing for the old calc.

Reply to this comment    12 November 2004, 18:04 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Wow, someone else who also likes to program PICs!!!

Reply to this comment    13 November 2004, 19:55 GMT

Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
ND_superfish Account Info

I play games on my calculator. You'd never get away bringing a Gameboy to class, but what teacher would object to a student using a calculator?

Reply to this comment    13 November 2004, 15:46 GMT

Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

Calculus. That's why I bought my 89 4 years ago. Ironically, my 89 died the year I finally was able to use it for the reason I bought it...but I bought another anyway :)

Reply to this comment    14 November 2004, 00:42 GMT

Re: What do you primarily use your calculator for?
Aaron Kornaus  Account Info
(Web Page)

Really, where's GAMES? That's all I use my 86 for these days.

Reply to this comment    14 November 2004, 03:09 GMT
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