It looks cool!
The USB-Link
It has more RAM
It has more Flash Apps!
I like having the newest calculator!
Gotta buy them all!
I don't have a calculator
Nah, I don't need a Titanium
Re: What's the number one reason to buy a TI-89 Titanium?
Paul Houser
(Web Page)
Well, all the APPs that come with the titanium are free for the non-titanium, so that's not a very good choice, and although there is more RAM, one might as well have gotten a V200, but the V200 doesn't have USB, which was my vote. That USB port will be the spawn to so many hacks and external devices (no longer will people have to build a CF card reader themselves, just drivers for already existing ones!)
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19 June 2004, 13:26 GMT
Re: What's the number one reason to buy a TI-89 Titanium?
Jeremiah Walgren
(Web Page)
<< It has more RAM >>
It does? According to the details page, it has the same as the regular 89. us/product/tech/89ti/ details/details.html (Remove spaces, as usual.)
Also, if you click (Web Page) it'll take you to the graphing calculator comparison by TI. That states (on page 3) that all three 68k calculators have equal RAM.
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19 June 2004, 14:13 GMT
Re: What's the number one reason to buy a TI-89 Titanium?
Jiaqi Wu
It looks coooooooooollll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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19 June 2004, 15:28 GMT
Re: What's the number one reason to buy a TI-89 Titanium?
I want one, but my friend just got one and it has some problems running some of the games that are for the original 89, too bad. it was supposed to be a great calculator. And I'm still sitcking to my TI-96 idea plans for the best calculator to ever be made. (just search the site for TO-96, it should come up.)
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20 June 2004, 02:02 GMT
Re: What's the number one reason to buy a TI-89 Titanium?
Leo Jimenez
I want to buy a TI-89 Titanium because I only have a TI-83+ and the TI-89 itself has better games than the latter, so I might as well buy the better version of the 89. Also, my friend just bought a TI-84+ Silver Edition and he likes to show it off. I need something better to show off. Oh, and by the way, my math teacher thinks it's called the TI-89 Titanic :)
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20 June 2004, 03:24 GMT
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