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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I need it for a class I'm taking 11 6.7%   
Yes, it keeps me amused while I'm traveling 32 19.4%   
Yes, I have nothing else to do other than play around with my calculator 16 9.7%   
Yes, I'm hoping that there are going to be lots of file updates during the summer! 31 18.8%   
Yes, it's my only gaming system 7 4.2%   
Yes, just because I feel like using it! 32 19.4%   
No, I won't be able to afford batteries 1 0.6%   
No, I don't want people to know I'm obsessed with my calculator 2 1.2%   
No, I won't have any time to use it 4 2.4%   
No, I'm just too lazy to use it 7 4.2%   
Maybe, I haven't given this much thought 22 13.3%   

Survey posted 2004-06-06 20:44 by Jon.

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  Reply to this item

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Nick_S  Account Info

2,3,4,5 and 11 for me

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 00:59 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Tzazak Account Info

Wait...4 'Yes' answers and then a 'Maybe'? What's up with that?

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 01:01 GMT

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

More file updates!! More file updates!! More file updates!! More file updates!! More file updates!!

I've been really anxious for some new files to come out or updates. I've really begun to lose interest in calculators versus last year where I was really upsessed.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 01:19 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

upsessed? was that sic or a typo?

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 15:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

sic? Was that a sick tpyo or what? ;)
I was about to mention that typo last night, but then I noticed his user name...he must be oriental. Thus I gave him a little slack. You however....sic?

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info
(Web Page)

You misspelled typo... or did you try that?

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose ;-) Misspelling typo as a typo... well, that's kind of hard to do.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:20 GMT

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
GeneralCYT  Account Info
(Web Page)

I imagine I'll use my 86 on occasion during the summer, most likely to do a little number crunching, but also possibly to play the occasional game, especially during the possible as-of-yet-unseen long road trip. I've actually used it less recently, haven't written any new or updated programs, being out of college I don't need it education-wise, and also since I now have an real Palm handheld, it no longer functions as my PDA. But, I still use it every now and then.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 06:21 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info
(Web Page)

Palms are nice.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 00:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
GeneralCYT  Account Info
(Web Page)

True, but a Palm gets nowhere near as good battery life as my 86.

Palm=Four months tops, even when turned off (The battery meter on my Palm dropped by half during the recent five weeks of inactivity)

TI-86=Up to two years depending on usage (I've had the current batteries for about 10 months, and I'm only at contrast level 4)

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 03:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

i have a pair of nickel-cadmiums in my Visor Platinum and they've lasted a good 3 months... still on 85 percent or so, too!

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 15:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've found that contrast levels differ from my calc to others. Personally, I use the highest 6 before I reach 7, and when I change other people's calcs to that, it's way too dark.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 15:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

On an 83+? I use the highest 6 on my 83+, but, then again, how often do I really USE my 83+? <flameStarter type=vicious> I only use the best TI calculator...the 89! <\flameStarter>

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info
(Web Page)

But the 89 IS the best.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

89 factorial? Hehe, I no longer think "exclamation mark" when I see one. I immediately say "it's a factorial!" (like that one right there :-D)

Anyway, TI should make a TI-89! (that's a factorial, there) Or perhaps they should be even more nerdy and make a TI-pi. That would be the best of all.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

yeah, the TI-PI, he investigates cases of calculator abuse and theft...

Reply to this comment    10 June 2004, 01:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

there's an awesome b&w palm game called Void... a full 3d space-trader-esque space shooter. Parallax stars, 3 dimensional 360 movement... port docking, space combat, police, pirates, missiles, planets... it's amazing.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 15:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
PaulvZon  Account Info

Sounds like an Elite-based game to me. Those games are all like Elite, the "father" of all space-shooters.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 16:43 GMT

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
tifreak8x  Account Info
(Web Page)

Where is the 'Yes, I am goig to be programming' option?? Someone is slacking here... lol

I plan on finishing some of my games up for the 83+, and maybe port them to the 86. And then I will try to learn some asm. And work on my web page... too much to do, and not enough of me to do it all...lol

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 13:11 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm trying to learn too many languages at once, while not working on any of them. I'm on day four of the 28-day ASM guide, hour 20-or-so on Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, and page 10 in a rediculously large JavaScript 1.1 book, where I have to change all the commands to work with IE instead of Netscape 2. All that plus my days usually consist of chatting my heart out with Trillian, reading up a bit on X86 ASM, playing way too much gamecube, and trying to figure out this stupid Matrix Haxors game. Any help please? IPdecrypt won't decrypt all of those strings in clients.net.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 15:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oooh, Javascript! My first language. I've found that it's MUCH easier to learn from reading other's code. That's how I learned how to integrate all the DIV layer stuff (DHTML) into Javascript. I never bothered to read a tutorial for that stuff.

Javascript is such a great language. Relatively simple... but great.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:27 GMT

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