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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, because the site is well organized. 320 76.9%   
Yes, despite the poor organization. 66 15.9%   
No, it is too difficult to find. 18 4.3%   
I never find the information I want. 12 2.9%   

Survey posted 2000-01-11 02:25 by Andy.

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Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
ikecam  Account Info

My big problem with the site org is that the archives are too many levels deep. For example, the level in which one decides whether to browse ASM or BASIC programs could be combined with the level in which one decides what kind of program (games, math, etc). It used to be like that (back in the day), and it was much easier to use.

Other than that, the site is well organized.

Reply to this comment    11 January 2000, 04:19 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

We were thinking of something like that, but in most cases the directory listings would get excessively long. Trust me, you wouldn't like that system more. :-)
What most people do - and what I've found works - is every time they want to use the archives, they simply load http://www.ticalc.org/pub/ - that's the root directory of the archives, and it doesn't require to hunt it down through a few pages. It saves you about thirty-seven seconds of time *g*.

Or do what I do and just memorize the directory structure, thus eliminating the need to type pub/ and just typing in the full URL :-)


Reply to this comment    11 January 2000, 14:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
John McCord  Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree with Nick there, and I do what he does. I've memorized the file directories (after about 18 months of irregular yet continuous visitation of the site).

Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 01:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

Sheesh, I thought I used the site alot...

Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 03:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've been around - on and off - since it opened. I started being a hardcore user about three years ago. Since then... well. :)


Reply to this comment    13 January 2000, 03:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, you're on the staff; I'd expect you to know the directory structure. But John's at TI-Files or something, so I found it strange that he would bother knowing the entire directory breakdown. Oh well...

Reply to this comment    14 January 2000, 00:22 GMT

Re: Site Organization
David Strauss  Account Info
(Web Page)

That is exactly what my site does. The archives are organized by subject, not by calculator or language, and unlike the comment above, the stucture is not excessively huge, since two levels are on each page. Click the link above to find out.

Reply to this comment    13 January 2000, 23:55 GMT

Re: Re: Site Organization
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've been using your site for about a year and a half, and I must admit that it extremely easy to use. The only downside of your website is its relative lack of content. You're missing a lot of very useful math and science programs that can be found on ticalc.

Reply to this comment    14 January 2000, 00:28 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Aaron Peterson  Account Info
(Web Page)

Here is a quick inprovement.


» File Archives
Browse and choose from...
Make: FTP and Web links!

in my opinion should be

and the ticalc.org/basics/ should be changed into an article. The article would include some of the common usages of calculators and links to how to do those things.

I have clicked /hardware/ too many times looking for Calc hardware info.

I voted I get what I want bcz good layout
Thanks for the awesome site!

Reply to this comment    21 January 2000, 06:34 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
jooky13  Account Info
(Web Page)

It's great except for the two minute wait to go into the programming ideas section.

Reply to this comment    11 January 2000, 04:47 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
dishsoap  Account Info

It only takes about 15 seconds on my computer. What kind of modem do you have?

Reply to this comment    11 January 2000, 15:31 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
TBoneFever  Account Info

It really does take too long. (about 3 minutes for me). Maybe if there was some way to organize it in specific gaming catagories, it wouldn't take so long. [just a suggestion]

Reply to this comment    14 January 2000, 03:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Nick Chaves  Account Info
(Web Page)

Just so you know, you kind of contradicted yourself "It isn't two long..." then you say 3 min. which really is longer then two minutes.

I promise, it's weird, but do the math (it involves some calculus):

dy=(3x-2z)dx and integrate that and you get x=14i which is technically greater than .571 so there you have it, it's greater than 2.

Your welcome,
Nick Chaves

P.S. This was sarcastic. It was meant for humor. I'm kind of hyper in a "really late at night" kind of way.

Reply to this comment    19 January 2000, 07:14 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?

Ticalc.org was the second site I had discoverd on the web, the first one whas of ti itself, where there was a poor archive and layout, I am really happy and find allmoust everything I need @ Ticalc.org!

Reply to this comment    11 January 2000, 11:36 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Rgb9000  Account Info

I agree. Ti's site is very poorly constructed. Very difficult to naviagate and poor file archives. Youre better off looking for games here than there, but you will occasionally stuble accross a gem of a math program there.(graph3d 4 ti 85!) And some calcs dont have barely any files of any kind there. This place stacks up better. We should mail the results of this poll and comments to them, maybe theyll take a hint.(We should mail the results of EVERY poll and comments to ti.)

Reply to this comment    13 January 2000, 23:18 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?

The layout is good, but I would like better descriptions of the programs.

Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 00:23 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
dudeguy  Account Info
(Web Page)

true the titles are sometimes misleading and it would also be good if there was a link to the review of that program in the information page

Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 03:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?

Aren't there? don't you just click the picture of the magnifying glass next to the file?

Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 22:29 GMT

Pete D.  Account Info

When you click the magnifying glass, you get a simple description of the program, written by the author. From what he was saying, the reviews meant the ones that are normally posted on the right side of the homepage. I agree, I would like to see a direct link from the file's description to a review of the file if there is one


Reply to this comment    12 January 2000, 22:53 GMT

Re: Nope.
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree wholeheartedly. It would be nice if there was a link from the description page to the review. That would save everyone some time and give the reviews more exposure.

Reply to this comment    14 January 2000, 00:32 GMT

Re: Nope.
The_Professor  Account Info
(Web Page)

They should just include reviews on the same page as the description/info page.

Reply to this comment    14 January 2000, 21:56 GMT

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