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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Every week 20 3.6%   
Every two weeks 45 8.2%   
Every month 108 19.6%   
Every other month 171 31.1%   
Twice a year 106 19.3%   
Yearly 35 6.4%   
I don't remember the last time I changed my batteries. 65 11.8%   

Survey posted 1999-12-21 05:52 by Andy.

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Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Smegheadking Account Info
(Web Page)

I change mine about every other month, lately. I have been in the practice of giving
other people my games and shells and stuff, but I show them how to do it to be able to
pass it on to others. Most people don't know how to send and receive stuff on their
calcs. I have had this senario happen over and over again to me before I gave games

I would show them how to do it and they would take it to their seat, class would
usually be starting soon. The person does everything and a thing like duplicate matrix
or varible name would come up and stop the transfer, I have programs on my calculator
that prevent it turning off normally, so the batteries on both calcs. die. The person comes back to me wanting a set of new batteries I tell them it was their own fault for not checking on it every once in a while.

I have been contemplating charging $$ for games since I am the only one who gets games off of the internet, I have an 86 and I have requests to take home 89s and 83s as well as all the other ones- I was even asked one time to type a gam in by hand on an 80!!!-. Does anyone else charge for games and if so what do you charge??? I am considered the TI-Calc. "Guru" in my school. Teachers come to me for their problems. So there is no other people can get other system games. I had to send away for my link and no one wants to pay the money for a link themselves. I would really appreciate some comments on my problems, and maybe some solutions.

Thanx, Da Jesta

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 03:22 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
mattc2345  Account Info

I think the next survey should be something about if people charge to put games on other peoples calcs.

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 04:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Rgb9000  Account Info

The problem with charging money for putting games on calcs is: If a teacher deletes them, do you put them back on for free or charge again? Maybe you could sell "INSURANCE" for 5$. That way you could get more money for possibly nothing. And do you charge per day you take home or per game you put on?

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 02:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?

Hey! Great idea...Maybe I should start doing this....People are "cheapskates", and they don't want to buy a graphlink, or take the time to learn how to use it. I am so stressed out, having to send people files, and having to deal with people ing my calc to get games off of it. I finally just said "screw you, you're not getting my games", and I started leaving my calc in my locker for all classes except math.(Doing this has also raised my grades!)

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 02:39 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Priceb Account Info
(Web Page)

I am in the same position, except the rest of the class does not have cables.
Therfore, I do the transmiting myself. Also I have an advantage of owning 3 different
calcs. This has its goods and its bads. On charging our computer club sells our own
basic games for about $2 to $5. We just keep good records and hope no wise guy
starts distributing behind our backs. I hope this rambling helps you.

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 22:52 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Cullen Sauls  Account Info
(Web Page)

I am noticing how many people say they replace batteries often because of lending calc(s) to other people. Just do like I do: make them supply their own batteries. It works fine, most people understand, and if they say 'no' it's no sweat off my back, I can play whenever I want :)
IMO that is the best way to make batteries last a long time. I started doing that my freshman year and have only replaced the batteries in my 86 6-7 times (I am a junior now)

PS: This theory also works with Gameboys on school/club trips (also of personal knowledge)

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 10:29 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Kevin Williams  Account Info

I used to put games on the persons calculator in order to use it.

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 01:01 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
ikecam  Account Info

Problem: usually (but not always), you lose your memory when you change batteries. So how do people play games on your calc if the memory must be erased before they use it? (or do you have some battery replacement trick for keeping the mem?)

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 06:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Cullen Sauls  Account Info
(Web Page)

You usually lose your mem when changing batteries? Boy, you must know NOTHING about changing batteries. I have never lost my mem changing the batteries out of my calcs, and you know why? There is a lithium battery in the calc (the one that you must unscrew a panel to take out) which prevents mem clearage during normal battery changing. As long as BOTH (yes, BOTH) the AAA and lithium battery(s) aren't out of calc at same time, your mem will not be erased. Only thing I can think that will clear mem when just changing AAA is banging calc on your hand to get the batteries out, but I do that a lot too with my TI-82's and never had such a problem.

PS: Also you don't press ON while batteries are out of calc (duh!)

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 11:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
xX_ZoMBiE_Xx  Account Info
(Web Page)

remember not everyone reads the instruction book cover to cover!

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Cullen Sauls  Account Info
(Web Page)

Cover to cover? Hardly! All three of my calcs were bought used, and none had the instruction book. I don't even know what one looks like. It's just common sense, when there are 2 sets of batteries, they are there to protect what stored in the calc during the change of either one.

Reply to this comment    31 December 1999, 10:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
ikecam  Account Info

There must be something wrong with my lithium battery, then. My calc always resets when the AAAs are taken out.

Reply to this comment    25 December 1999, 04:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
da86guy Account Info


Reply to this comment    27 December 1999, 18:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
fyta  Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, if your fast enough, you can take out both the liIon backup battery and the AAAs, replace them and still have all your memory. I had to open my calc once to change the back, and I took out all the screws, then the batteries, changed the back, replaced the batteries, turned it back on and the memory was still there. You dont have much time though. <10 sec. The flash memory keeps a charge for a short amount of time and doesnt need much charge to retain memory.

Reply to this comment    1 January 2000, 04:23 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Grim  Account Info

people who remember need a life

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 15:17 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
rico santo  Account Info

shut up!

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 01:44 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?

Is it just me, or is this a meaningless survey? Shouldn't it be broken into different calculators? I can assure you that the different calculators have different power requirements.

Tip DS

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 15:53 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Jack_Paper  Account Info

Couldn't have said it better.

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 18:53 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Fishexe  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I bet they probably use different size batteries, too.

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 07:16 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Causeofdeath  Account Info

I have an 83 i got back in may, i didn't accually need to change them yet, but i recharged them before school this year. My brother had and 81 when he was in 9th grade and didn't change them until it was stolen 4 years later. well, i can see, the 81 has no link, and he's not a physics major.

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 22:20 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
matt c  Account Info
(Web Page)

how are sooooo many people changing batteries every other month?!!?
i have an 86 and change the batteries ~~ every 8 month
i play alot of games so you people must be using it during english,history and every other class

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 02:01 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Smegheadking Account Info
(Web Page)

That is usually how it goes, gym is a little tough to smuggle in, but I've managed.

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 03:53 GMT

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