Every week
Every two weeks
Every month
Every other month
Twice a year
I don't remember the last time I changed my batteries.
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
(Web Page)
I change mine about every other month, lately. I have been in the practice of giving
other people my games and shells and stuff, but I show them how to do it to be able to
pass it on to others. Most people don't know how to send and receive stuff on their
calcs. I have had this senario happen over and over again to me before I gave games
I would show them how to do it and they would take it to their seat, class would
usually be starting soon. The person does everything and a thing like duplicate matrix
or varible name would come up and stop the transfer, I have programs on my calculator
that prevent it turning off normally, so the batteries on both calcs. die. The person comes back to me wanting a set of new batteries I tell them it was their own fault for not checking on it every once in a while.
I have been contemplating charging $$ for games since I am the only one who gets games off of the internet, I have an 86 and I have requests to take home 89s and 83s as well as all the other ones- I was even asked one time to type a gam in by hand on an 80!!!-. Does anyone else charge for games and if so what do you charge??? I am considered the TI-Calc. "Guru" in my school. Teachers come to me for their problems. So there is no other people can get other system games. I had to send away for my link and no one wants to pay the money for a link themselves. I would really appreciate some comments on my problems, and maybe some solutions.
Thanx, Da Jesta
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22 December 1999, 03:22 GMT
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Cullen Sauls
(Web Page)
I am noticing how many people say they replace batteries often because of lending calc(s) to other people. Just do like I do: make them supply their own batteries. It works fine, most people understand, and if they say 'no' it's no sweat off my back, I can play whenever I want :)
IMO that is the best way to make batteries last a long time. I started doing that my freshman year and have only replaced the batteries in my 86 6-7 times (I am a junior now)
PS: This theory also works with Gameboys on school/club trips (also of personal knowledge)
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22 December 1999, 10:29 GMT
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
people who remember need a life
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22 December 1999, 15:17 GMT
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Is it just me, or is this a meaningless survey? Shouldn't it be broken into different calculators? I can assure you that the different calculators have different power requirements.
Tip DS
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22 December 1999, 15:53 GMT
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
I have an 83 i got back in may, i didn't accually need to change them yet, but i recharged them before school this year. My brother had and 81 when he was in 9th grade and didn't change them until it was stolen 4 years later. well, i can see, the 81 has no link, and he's not a physics major.
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22 December 1999, 22:20 GMT
Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
matt c
(Web Page)
how are sooooo many people changing batteries every other month?!!?
i have an 86 and change the batteries ~~ every 8 month
i play alot of games so you people must be using it during english,history and every other class
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23 December 1999, 02:01 GMT
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