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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Choice Votes   Percent
Catching cancer rays near some body of water 4 2.0%   
Swimming in the ocean 0 0.0%   
Swimming in a lake 2 1.0%   
Doing sports 9 4.4%   
Summer school 16 7.9%   
Playing video games 39 19.2%   
Camping 9 4.4%   
Travelling to a foreign country 6 3.0%   
Travelling within my own country 14 6.9%   
Working 60 29.6%   
Other activity 44 21.7%   

Survey posted 2003-07-25 23:43 by Henrik.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

Ordoinc.  Account Info

I've been working 2 days a week at McDonald's and 3 days a week at HersheyPark.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 00:17 GMT

Re: Working
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

As a staff member, do you get to ride the Great Bear every day after all the guests leave? That's a good roller coaster...

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 16:29 GMT

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
GeneralCYT  Account Info
(Web Page)

Does fighting off a mosquito invasion and sitting six inches in front of the AC count as "other activity"?

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 04:19 GMT

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)

Why isn't making a video game on there?

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 13:05 GMT

Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Most of us just put "other" for that.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 16:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
(Web Page)

Still... If there are so many games on this site, that would have been logicaL.

Reply to this comment    31 July 2003, 19:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah I was kind of supprised to not see that option.

Reply to this comment    31 July 2003, 23:05 GMT

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

Has anyone else noted that no one has been in the ocean or a lake?

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 22:27 GMT

Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Halfmoon Account Info
(Web Page)

Bwa ha ha! I just voted 'lake' :)
Actually I'e been in the lake, river and pool... and will be going to the ocean.

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 22:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

Okay, so I spoke 28 minutes too early. Its been a couple of days and no one voted for them. For Christmas my Aunt and Uncle are taking my family to Hawaii for a week. I can't wait. Usually my family goes on a vacation for one week every summer at Refugio State Beach near Santa Barbara, but do to some unknow reason the beach opened up registratio times sooner than they wee supposed to so were not going this year.

Hey I can't blame people here for not going in the water, electronics aren't H2O friendly.

Reply to this comment    31 July 2003, 17:03 GMT

Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Benjamin Alan  Account Info

I am going to a lake in a few days.

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 23:34 GMT

83/83+ programmers...
Ordoinc.  Account Info

I found a way to get rid of the memory leak problem when basic programming on ti-83/+ . The message "ERR:Memory" shows when you over-use a loop.

Here's how to fix it...

This is the loop...

Lbl 1

[Program Code]

Goto 1

The code above would cause a memory leak.

The code below stops it. I tried it and it worked over a half-hour (I then pressed ON to NOT drain the battery)...

Lbl 1

[Program code]

If L=1:Then:2->L:Goto 1:End
1->L:Goto 1

Please let me know if it worked for you...


Reply to this comment    1 August 2003, 04:04 GMT

angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

Why not just use a While loop? It's much easier and uses MUCH less memory.

Reply to this comment    1 August 2003, 15:20 GMT

Re: ~
jrock7286  Account Info

Because he's a n00b programmer that's why. And n00bs don't like change...

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: ~
Tim C  Account Info

i think that this would be an excellent opportunity for someone to use 'repeat', the neglected loop statement.

You hereby must rewrite all your programs using shoddy labels and replac the labels with repeat statements. After you have done that, you shall convert them to while loops. this shall be your punishment.

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 02:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I like repeat, though While is much more useful, since it relates more to other programming languages, I think.

Repeat 0


Anyway, to the n00b at the top, I don't see how that bottom code would help. If you use a Goto in an If-Then, then the stack pointer gets pushed further and further down until you run out of memory. Only use Goto in a plain If. (no then-end) Because the calculator is expected the End and it's never reaching it and... okay never mind. It would be like

call Joe

in ASM.

Reply to this comment    3 August 2003, 17:42 GMT

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Tim C  Account Info

my summer has consisted of living large and risking it all!!!!

ok, that was jst a lie. and now for the truth: summer classes. yes, summer classes. not school, but classes. it s really the same thing, only im in college, and have no parental supervision at all! college is the life.

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 02:59 GMT
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