Re: Can you reproduce the 3D graph in the logo?
(Web Page)
Survey contributed by Eduardo Corpeņo.
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6 June 2003, 23:32 GMT

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I plugged that in and I didn't get the circular graph. However, I did get the "ripple" portrayed in the logo, but it was circular. Instead, it was "rectangular". Instead of having a large "hump" in the middle of the graph, circumscribed by an uplifted "ring", I got what looked like a cross-section of the curve, but in 3D. Use this equation and you'll see what I mean:
z1(x,y) = (when(x=0,1,sin(x)/(x))(sqrt(x^2+y^2))
I would have done it you're way, but I got nothing at all when I tried it (in both radians and degrees).
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8 June 2003, 07:15 GMT
YAY!!! uhmmm... no!
(Web Page)
uhhhh... maybe bad news for you... I DO get it right... there must be something wrong with your window parameters... here are mine:
Radian angles
eye theta: 54 eye fi: 48 eye psi: 0
xmin: -12 xmax: 12 xgrid: 23
ymin: -12 ymax: 12 ygrid: 23
zmin: -0.2172 zmax: 0.94 ncontour: 5
the equation you wrote is wrong... i mean, it's not the same i specified... your function doesn't do anything when y=0.... That's why there's an empty plane at (x,0,z)
besides, it multiplies sqrt(x^2+y^2) to the whole "when" statement, which accomplishes... uhhh... something else :P
z1(x,y) = (when(x=0,1,sin(x)/(x))(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) This is wrong
I don't think you understood quite well what i meant: you have to define TWO different functions, one in 2D, and one in 3D:
y1(x) = when(x=0,1,sin(x)/x) (set Graph mode to Function)
z1(x,y) = y1(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) (set Graph mode to 3D, and SELECT z1)
you have to invoke y1 inside z... get it?
i like defining two functions because this way, the concept of rotation stays clear (to me, at least)... you may also define just one 3D function, but it looks all fuzzy (again: to me):
z1(x,y) = when(x=0 and y=0 ,1,sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2))/sqrt(x^2+y^2))
i hope this helps ;)
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9 June 2003, 02:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: YAY!!! uhmmm... no!
W Hibdon
Wait. If it makes me <u><b>A</b></u> troll, then I am not trolling. you cannot have it both ways. it is either an adj, and describes, or a verb, that tells what I do. if I am trolling, then I am one who trools, thus, a troler. If I am a troll, then I am not trolling. I hope this makes sence, it is 3:55, my time, and I am trying to get a point across. Please correct me, if I am wrong, or you want to yell.
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15 June 2003, 09:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Can you reproduce the 3D graph in the logo?
(Web Page)
Yes. In fact, one's built in into Windows XP. Just go to Start > All Programs > Accesories > Accesibility > Narrator. It reads the text under your cursor. But it can be confusing, as in:
Computer: Hello, this is the narrat-
*You accidentally move mouse a little bit*
Computer: Hello, this is-
*You accidentally move mouse again*
Computer: Hel-
*You accidentally move mouse yet again*
Computer: H-
*You get annoyed and turn off Narrator*
And, like I said earlier, people who post more than once just pushed the "Post" button too many times. Maybe they were too impatient. Maybe they pushed it for emphasis. Maybe, after waiting for a while, they thought they didn't push it, and pushed it again. Maybe MV's conspiracizing against Magnus. Although I doubt that.
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15 June 2003, 03:29 GMT
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