[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...
[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...
From: <rabidcow@juno.com>
> A cheap pair of walkie-talkies can be purchased for $10.
> Add a microcontroller at each end for converting 2 high/low signals into
> 4 freqs and you have 2 radio link devices for ~$20.
No doubt that could be made to work, but its very bulky.
Also very susceptible to computer noise, possibly to noise
from the calcs themselves. I've used a couple sets of those
cheap radios, and found it difficult to understand speech
from 20 feet away, I think it would be difficult to get
any reasonable data rate from it. Of course the results
will vary by the radio and the environment.
Anyway, just the size of that would be enough to turn
me off of the project.