[TI-H] Re: TI Networking.


[TI-H] Re: TI Networking.

On Wed, 02 May 2001 22:50:34 +0200 Olle Hedman <oh@hem.passagen.se>
> >I think variable length might be good if you could allot less that 
> a
> >whole byte to indicating length, but that can be hard to do.  You 
> could
> >have an end packet marker rather than a start packet marker and use 
> that
> >to determine packet length as well.
> mmm, or both a start and an end and infinitly long packets :)
> a lot of options. I guess hands on experimenting is best to decide.

I think I would indicate a packet end by no line transitions for 2 or 3
The first line transition after that is the beginning of the next packet.

Except I wouldn't trust that to indicate packet length, as dropped
transitions shorten the packet.  I would want a way to detect this. 
(altho something other than a multiple of 8 bits would be a bit of a

> >You could have it turn based, each calc takes turns being the 
> "master".
> >Each calc would need to know how many others are out there, then 
> every n
> >packets sent, it sends one (whether or not it has anything to 
> send).
> >Similar to token ring, but on a shared medium.
> that is a good idea. the problem is synchronization. who will start 
> to 
> send? who will be next?
> this could ofcourse be solved with always filling up the adress 
> space from 
> the bottom, and let them send in order..  also have a "I have 
> nothing to 
> send" packet.

Is there any reason not to fill the address space from the bottom?

Every time a calc makes its initial connection, it waits for a full cycle
to pass, then uses the largest address+1.  When it's calc 0's turn, it
waits slightly longer before sending to give any newly connected calc a
chance to transmit.

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