[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...


[TI-H] Re: I remember hearing of a ti hub project a few years ago...

A cheap pair of walkie-talkies can be purchased for $10.
Add a microcontroller at each end for converting 2 high/low signals into
4 freqs and you have 2 radio link devices for ~$20.


On Wed, 2 May 2001 15:39:41 -0500 "David Knaack" <dknaack@rdtech.com>
> From: <Nitrocloud@aol.com>
> > sells@inetnebr.com writes:
> >  > Before we get out of hand are we looking fro economics or 
> versatility!
> I
> >  > remember a radiolink is somewhere around thirty dollars for a
> tranceiver!
> >
> >  A simple AM radio can be made with a an antena, coil, and a 
> diode.
> A pair of 300Mhz AM transmitter and receiver modules can be 
> purchased
> for around $15 ($30 for a pair).  These would be more than sufficent
> to create a working radio link.  Yes, they would be subject to
> interference, as would any radio link.
> As a bonus, they work on the same frequency as X10 radio modules,
> which means you could use the calculator to control X10 modules and
> use an X10 controller to talk to the calculator.
> DK
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