Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw
Re: TI-H: OT: The Ad I saw
ees? I use macsbug or the built in debugger.
The only crash you can't get out of is when the port of AMP tries to access
protected memory.
Windows doesn't do any error checking on any of the programs that access
memory, so AMP is used to this.
It only happens when the betas of Eudora Pro change the ammount of memory
allocated when Eudora was ran first. :)
Isn't Macsbug great? ;)
>MacOS 8.x has multitasking, so it no longer does this. And I you knew
>how to use a mac, you can get out of any crash safely. ees is my
>At approximately 6:15 PM +0200GMT on the day Earth People call
>6/30/99, Olle Hedman declared:
>>An OS that locks up your entire system when you copy a file, or chrashes
>>everything when one app goes down sucks, no matter who made it.
>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.