Re: TI-H: empeg player


Re: TI-H: empeg player

How well are they supported? I know of Ibm dos and ms dos... anything else
I could give a fsck less about... DOS isn't revolutionary... neither is
Windows.... Linux, however, will be. I guartentee it or your money back....
wait, what money? Did someone say windows refund day?

Apple and the Linux community are challenging Microsoft. It only has to get
better. Microsofts share of the market is going down as we speak. All
throughout this, it seems like Be is dead. ahh... 

At 09:57 PM 4/5/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Alot of DOSes are free, MS-Stinky DOS isn't.
>At approximately 12:37 AM -0700GMT on the day Earth People call 
>4/6/99, Dan declared:
>>OK.... DOS fucking beats the living fuck out of windows..... without DOS,
>>windows would totally suck. Actually... they are both dependent on each
>>other. I am not going to compare shit, though. I compared one thing through
>>experience. There isn't much information to back up your theories, is
>>there? If so, send the URL, or attachment. On my system, Linux would
>>dominate DOS, really because of the network aspect. Well that, and linux is
>>free. Well, that and linux is supported better. Well, that, and.....
>I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
>the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
>indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 
