Re: TI-H: empeg player


Re: TI-H: empeg player

Alot of DOSes are free, MS-Stinky DOS isn't.

At approximately 12:37 AM -0700GMT on the day Earth People call 
4/6/99, Dan declared:

>OK.... DOS fucking beats the living fuck out of windows..... without DOS,
>windows would totally suck. Actually... they are both dependent on each
>other. I am not going to compare shit, though. I compared one thing through
>experience. There isn't much information to back up your theories, is
>there? If so, send the URL, or attachment. On my system, Linux would
>dominate DOS, really because of the network aspect. Well that, and linux is
>free. Well, that and linux is supported better. Well, that, and.....

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 

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