Re: TI-H: empeg player


Re: TI-H: empeg player

Thats VERY funny you say that. System resources are MUCH lower than
windows95 when an MP3 is played in Linux... at least on my system.

At 11:06 PM 4/4/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Linux is one of the worst OS for realtime dependant stuff due to the way it
>>What the hell is the matter with you then? Use linux!
>>: )
>>At 10:44 PM 4/4/99 EDT, you wrote:
>>>In a message dated 4/3/99 11:49:09 AM Central Daylight Time,
>>> writes:
>>>> Thats a good idea , 300 is enough for a little p100, maybe more
>>>>  -JJS
>>>Just a warning, a P100 16 MB RAM running Win95 playing MP3s is like a CD
>>>player with no buffer when jogging.  (i.e. skips like hell)
>>>Rob Hornick

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