Re: TI-H: IBM PC/AT Power supply.
Re: TI-H: IBM PC/AT Power supply.
Thanks. did that. got a great page. orange is the power good connect,
blue is the -12v, and white is the -5v.
Thanks for your help
At 06:47 PM 11/15/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Standard power supply colors:
>black = ground
>red = +5v (upwards of 20A on 200W supplies..)
>yellow = +12v (around 8A?)
>Then there are -5v and -12v (about .75A) on the mainboard connectors,
>and I think there is a 3.3v wire also.. Go visit AltaVista and ask it for
>a PC power supply pinout or something.
>On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, kaus wrote:
>> Hey all. I jsut dissected my ancient IBM PC/AT original antique. I
>> pulled the power supply and was wondering if it would be feasible to use
>> it as the power supply for my digitial circuit prototypes, like on
>> breadborad and such. HAs anyone done this befoer?
>> I have 5 cable sets coming out of the box, 3 of whcih use standard PC
>> power supply connectors and cable colors(red, 2 blkack, yellow), whcih I
>> assume means that they use the standard volatages and amperages. Then i
>> got 2 sets that connected to the motherbrd. Could anyone take a guess
>> at the voltages/amperages for em? one set:
>> orange, red, yellow, blue, 2 black
>> the other:
>> 2 black, white, 3 red
>> If anyone could comment on this or help me out, please do so.
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan Kaus
>Greg Hill