TI-H: IBM PC/AT Power supply.
TI-H: IBM PC/AT Power supply.
Hey all. I jsut dissected my ancient IBM PC/AT original antique. I pulled
the power supply and was wondering if it would be feasible to use it as the
power supply for my digitial circuit prototypes, like on breadborad and such.
HAs anyone done this befoer?
I have 5 cable sets coming out of the box, 3 of whcih use standard PC power
supply connectors and cable colors(red, 2 blkack, yellow), whcih I assume
means that they use the standard volatages and amperages.
Then i got 2 sets that connected to the motherbrd.
Could anyone take a guess at the voltages/amperages for em?
one set:
orange, red, yellow, blue, 2 black
the other:
2 black, white, 3 red
If anyone could comment on this or help me out, please do so.
Jonathan Kaus