Re(2): TI-H: big music project
Re(2): TI-H: big music project
>wow, thanks for all of your help. i didn't think that you guys would be so
>responsive. I ordered a catalog from mondotromins and i should be gettng
>it soon.
>the electromagnets can be made out of copper wire wrapped around an iron
>bar? what would be the best combination of number of coils, the coiling
>metal, and the core? what would provide the most magnetism? and what about
>the power supplied to it, what would be best? I'm guessing the more the
>better, right?
ya know... I think high speed high accuracy servos would be best for
driving the slide... There would be every inch or so a little IR led and
the AVR would move the slide back and forth and callibrate it. I'll play
arround with this...