Re: TI-H: Fixing Grant's friend's PC
Re: TI-H: Fixing Grant's friend's PC
>GUI- stanford and Xerow PARC
Apple liscensed Xerox.
>Mouse- read above
The fact was bill didn't know how to interface one untill he saw the AIIE
could do it.
>3.5 inch floppies- don't even GET me started on all the systems to beat
>the mac
>there... btw, ever hear of the IBM convertible? I beleive it was pre 1984...
mac...Pre 1983
>which would make it pre-Lisa...
Lisa used 5 1/4 primarily
>multiple monitors... any unix system... how many terminals do you need? :)
All making up the same desktop, again, windows still doesn't use this.
>yet again, substantiate your claims, please!
No, just specify.