Re: TI-H: Fixing Grant's friend's PC
Re: TI-H: Fixing Grant's friend's PC
GUI- stanford and Xerow PARC
Mouse- read above
3.5 inch floppies- don't even GET me started on all the systems to beat the mac
there... btw, ever hear of the IBM convertible? I beleive it was pre 1984...
which would make it pre-Lisa...
multiple monitors... any unix system... how many terminals do you need? :)
yet again, substantiate your claims, please!
Need I go on, or can we kill this thread before they realize that this was the
Power PC thread, which was renamed due to my 3r337 skillz? =)
Grant Stockly wrote:
> >> >that wonderful advent of non-parity RAM (originally only used in
> >>Macs... gee,
> >> >thanks, Apple)
> Yes Thanks oh holy Apple for orrigionaly being the first to use the GUI,
> Mouse, 3 1/2 disk drive, more than one monitor, and other things. Tho
> Apple shal be thanked endlessly by all computer users arround the world for
> keeping Bill Gates in line.
> :)