Re: TI-H: Game Boy games are possible, with work
Re: TI-H: Game Boy games are possible, with work
everyone stop flameing.....
this isnt a contest to see who is smarter.
its just a mailing list for ideas for hardware, so you dont need to start
"your stupid you dont know what your talking about" e-mails.
I rather enjoy reading about peoples ideas for stuff. but it is not fun to
read all this crap
thank you
At 08:32 AM 6/17/97 -0700, you wrote:
> ----
>From: Richard Piotter <>
>Date: Sunday, August 17, 1997 12:09 AM
>Subject: TI-H: Game Boy games are possible, with work
>|It would be possible to port game Boy Games. It is like TI-BASIC, but at
>|a far higher level.
>|I will use TI-BASIC as an example, because most of us are probably
>|familiar with it.
>|1. TI-BASIC, like the Z80, may have different "flavors", but deep down,
>|they run the same. There are minor differences, but they are usualy
>|things you can work around. With TI-BASIC, there may be many commands
>|that do the same things, but the syntax or the wa it is used may be
>|2. The screen, though of vastly different size could be redone, just as
>|you have to redo the screen size when porting an 85 program to the 83 or
>|3. Sound too would be redone. It would be annoyingly tedious, but
>|Basicly what I'm saying is copy the commands and algorythms of a game
>|and make newgraphics and sound for the TI, but if you really want a game
>|that bad, would you rather go from scratch and work bugs out or use a
>|working model, just redoing a few things and all the graphics/ sound?
>For one thing, I don't think you know enough about electronics to start
>making those kinda speculations.. And another thing is porting gameboy
>games is not possible. For a few OBVIOUS reasons:
>1. The gameboy runs off a modified z80 chip. Like the ti-85 this z80 chip
>is specially designed for the purpose needed.
>2. Another thing is how are you going to port the rom?
>3. Last of all just because something is written in z80 assembly doesn't
>mean it can be ported 'easily' to any other product that is wired w/ a z80
> My reason for that is:
>windows 95 and linux. Yes they both are 'C' compatible, but it's a real
>bitch to port from one to the other (at least from linux -> windows95).
>However both of those run on the same cpu, no modifications.
>So one final comment for you. Like Bryan Rittmeyer, I hope that you will jus
>t THINK before you SPEAK.
>Have A Nice Day,
>Brian Mansell (Orion2o6)