Re: TI-H: Re: Voltage at 4.4v ???


Re: TI-H: Re: Voltage at 4.4v ???

Richard Piotter wrote:

> I use duracels only because of the massive power they throw out. No
> rechargable, not even alkalines put out duracel power. I don't want to
> cause a fuss, but I have tested battery runtime and power and duracel
> beat everything. I probably got those 5v readings because of the power a
> duracel puts out. Rechargables only run at 1.2 volts, not 1.5 like a
> high power alkaline. That low recharable power may be going low enough
> for the drop out voltage to kick in. That is probably why you have a low
> current.

I'm not using rechargeable batteries.  I'm using alkalines.  Panasonic
Industrial Strength alkalines, from my dad's work of course!  ;)
