Re: TI-H: Game Boy games are possible, with work
Re: TI-H: Game Boy games are possible, with work
Ryan Pogge wrote:
> everyone stop flameing.....
Interesting spelling.
> this isnt a contest to see who is smarter.
Really? Noone ever mentioned that to me. I'm always the last to know!
> its just a mailing list for ideas for hardware, so you dont need to start
> sending
> "your stupid you dont know what your talking about" e-mails.
Well, if some of us didn't do that there would be a lot more idiots
crying for somebody to design their audio amp or build them a TI
joystick or explain why their 7805 isn't working when powered by one
freaking AA.
> I rather enjoy reading about peoples ideas for stuff. but it is not fun to
> read all this crap
Exactly. That's why I want to cut down on the crap and get people
actually thinking instead of just spitting out their raw ideas.
If you think about something first yourself you can save the brains
of the list (of which I am not) a lot of time and -GASP- you might
actually become more intelligent. In any case, you can always solve
the last problem by watching more TV.
Bryan Rittmeyer